Some units are shown with cockpits partially open. Other are illustrated with parts cut away to reveal the pilot or model. Since these are Japanese in design, imagine the girls in the 'mates like auto-show girls in Tokyo car conventions. They're just there to look pretty and be bubbly, smiling, effusive spokes-models for the unit.
The Guges-D is the landmate used by Deunan, and the rest of E-SWAT in Appleseed. Designed for E-SWAT as a special light raider unit, it is faster and more maneuverable than most landmates, even when fully armed. Not being a front-line heavy assault suit, the Guges relies on teamwork and coordination to get the job done. While they basically look the same, most Guges are customized to the wearers needs and personality. The Guges is usually painted matte black, but depending on the operation, they are also available in woodland camo and even grey/red paint schemes. There are no part numbers on a Guges-D either, every piece is hand made. None of its optical sensors radiate visibly, so in the field the machine is virtually soulless - all you can hear is a whisper from the exhaust vents. The Guges was not designed for fancy slugfests or running around with high-caliber guns blazing; the design goal was straight forward: take out the obstacle as safely, surely, and quickly as possible. It was not built for solo heroics. Designed with the knowledge that anti-terrorist operations are timed in seconds and minutes, it carries only enough ammo to squeeze by - two to four magazines at the most. The fingertips are left virtually unarmored for attaching sensor devices. The Guges has a strong grip so the sensors need a lot of replacing. The fingers are made of aluminum alloy and the knuckles are made from titanium. The operater can't open his/her hand completely, but the trade off in superior external armor is well worth it. Guges wear "sneakers" for grip enhancement end noise reduction. For the price you pay, you really don't wanna know how often these need to be replaced.
Seen Below is the "Argyderos" Olympus Stealth Modle LandMate. It is the predecessor to the NEO Stealth model. Well executed espionage on the part of NEO spies allowed the Orbitals to steal the technology from Olympus to build their own model. ( See NEO LandMates section ). It uses neural interface technology instead of the common Master/Slave datasuit control system and makes use of reflex boosting technology. It also incorporates sneaksuit chameleon armor technology and incorporates a number of Olympus and Poseidon's most cutting edge LandMate technologies.
Seen Below is the "Argyderos" Olympus Stealth Modle LandMate. It is the predecessor to the NEO Stealth model. Well executed espionage on the part of NEO spies allowed the Orbitals to steal the technology from Olympus to build their own model. ( See NEO LandMates section ). It uses neural interface technology instead of the common Master/Slave datasuit control system and makes use of reflex boosting technology. It also incorporates sneaksuit chameleon armor technology and incorporates a number of Olympus and Poseidon's most cutting edge LandMate technologies.
In the image below you see Deunan Knute in a ESWAT stealth Guges with Full-Conversion Combat Cyborg Briarios Hecatonchires in an extremely custom, OLYMPUS-proprietary suit of LandMate-like 'Command Armor'. This ejectable extra armor and weapon mount tech is possible due to Bri's awesome Hecatonchires System squid-brain conversion. The armor clamps on to mounts on his cyborg body and carries it's own weight with advanced myomer technology and a generous helping of HERMES material. It make Briarios, for all intents and purposes, a LandMate. To date, he is the only Cyborg who has had such a system crafted for him.
Below we see a standard Earth Federation/AEGIS military LandMate. It's small compared to the NEO Military model but just as well armored and able to work more easily in dense jungle and tight close-quarters urban conflict. It is being modelled by the smokin' hot Deaunan in what can only be described as the most risque nanotech datasuit yet seen. What's with the Superhero boots and gloves? Who knows. Who cares!? Anyway, the LandMate is a superb POSEIDON Corporation unit mass produced for the Earth Federation under contract with AEGIS. Sorry about there not being a front side view. This is the only pic of it Shirow made.
The Speed Model! The formula one of Earth Landmates. Hence the red paint scheme. This is a civilian model, hot-rod modded out to be a racing 'Mate for the short-lived sport of LandMate Obstacle course racing. It has special, jump-assist myomer technology that allow it to leap pretty imptressive distances over hills and small buildings and it's reinforced climbing fingers allow it to scale a wall or cliffside with surprising alacrity. Though not as amazingly as NEO SpiderMechs can.
Here we see Deunan in an older model police Landmate with a stealth paint scheme. What's with the red shoes? Dames! That's what. Women do crazy shit sometimes. And when you're as ace a landmate pilot as Deunan Knute, nobody says shit if you wanna paint findernails and bright red shoes on your unit. Here we also see a much more reasonable model of Datasuit that the one she was sporting in the Military Model LandMate above.
Below we see Chiffon modelling an early model Lunar Exploration LandMate. Designed on Earth by POSEIDON. It's a bit clunky and slow moving compared to todays models but still does it's job and replaces a mere spacesuit with extra tech and capabilties. Of note is the strange leg configuration. More like riding a jet-ski or racing cycle than a LandMate. Perhaps on-board computers manage the walking with the legs dormant or something. It lacks any sort of maneuver verniers for zero gravity space use.
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