The user gets a +2 bonus to their REF.
The user can control up to their INTx5 ‘hands’ (don’t panic, read below first).
The user is totally ambidextrous.
The user can link to any even vaguely compatible machine.
Hecatonchires equipped individuals get a +1 bonus to all rolls involving systems they are linked to. An individual could wear a suit of powered armour, but could also link and control the suit, getting a +1 to all rolls involving it.
Explanation of ‘hands’: The Hecatonchires system allows the user to control a huge number of remote systems. However, each remote may count as more than one set of hands. A little thing with treads and a single cyberoptic is going to require a lot less concentration than trying to control a full borg body by remote.
Pair of Cyberoptics 1 ‘hand’
Pair of Cyberaudio. 1 ‘hand’
Steering (land unit) 1 ‘hand’
Brakes/Accelerator 1 ‘hand’ (2 if a stick shift).
Steering (fixed wing air unit) 2 ‘hands’
Steering (vectored thrust vehicle) 4 ‘hands’ (no acc/decc req.ed)
Weapon System 1-2 ‘hands’
Manipulator (arm or simpler) 1 ‘hand’
Complex Manipulator 2 ‘hands’
Legs 2 ‘hands’
Steering (zero-G) 3 ‘hands’
Simple Manufacturing Machine 1 ‘hand’
Complex Manufacturing Machine 2-10 ‘hands’
Simple Subsystem 1 ‘hand’
Complex Subsystem 2-10 ‘hands’
From here one should be able to figure out how many ‘hands’ it would require to control any unit. A Hecatonchires equipped individual trying to control an AV-4 with 5.56 minigun in chin turret would require:
Steering (Vector Thrust) 4 ‘hands’
Weapon System 1 ‘hands’
5 ‘hands’ total
If the user wanted to fly the AV remotely (provided it had the cameras) it would require a further ‘hand’ to assimilate the data from the cameras. If the cameras covered more than one arc, more ‘hands’ would be required to assimilate the data.To control an M-20 tank (Max. Metal) would require:
Steering (Land) 1 ‘hand’
Acc/Dec. (stick) 2 ‘hands’
Simple Subsys. (turret) 1 ‘hand’
Weapon (3cm rail gun) 1 ‘hand’
Weapon (30mm autocannon)x2 2 ‘hands’
Weapon (ATGM launcher) 1 ‘hand’
Weapon (AGAMS) 2 ‘hands’
Simple Subsys. (enviro control) 1 ‘hand’
Complex Subsys. (damage control) 3 ‘hands’
Optics (forward) 1 ‘hand’
Optics (side) 1 ‘hand’
Optics (other side) 1 ‘hand’
Optics (rear) 1 ‘hand’
Complex Subsystem (ECM) 3 ‘hands’
Complex Subsystem (ECCM) 4 ‘hands’
Complex Subsystem (communications) 3 ‘hands’
Complex Subsystem (rangefinders) 2 ‘hands’
30 ‘hands’Basically a single person could control the tank with more efficiency than the normal crew of three but if they had an intelligence of less than 6, they’d go insane trying to assimilate all the data.
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