ESPers are quite simply put, the next stage in human evolution. That's right. If you play an ESPer, you are, evolutionarily speaking superior to all the other characters. At low levels these abilities are cute parlor tricks. At the zenith of their development they can teleport to Saturn, kill people with a thought and pull Starships out of orbit and send them crashing into cities. With all this power comes the balance of an unfortunate downside...
That's right, no implants, no cybernetics, no artificial augmentations of any kind. You get what your born with and are willing to work for and that's IT. Kind of sucks, I know. But still there's more than a little compensation. (see paragraph one) So while you will be the weakest link in some battles during the game, which sucks! At other times the other characters will be slack-jawed, dumbstruck in AWE of your hideous POWER! Which is awesome.
These points initially start at a value equal to the EMPathy stat times the ESPer’s Role Special Ability, “Sixth Sense”* Rank (for example Combat Sneak), and are recorded on the character’s Sheet. Psi Points is a flexible value, and will be expended and replenished over the course of games and campaigns.
*NEW ESPer Special Ability: “Sixth Sense” – Works like Combat Sense, represents an innate, Jedi-Like awareness of the near future, the enemies intent and generally being conscious of one’s surroundings. The Ranks in Sixth Sense can be added to any initiative roll, any awareness check and any roll for the PERception skill.
How Psi Points are Spent
Every Psionic power has a listed Cost. This is the number of Psi Points that must be expended to activate a single level of that Psionic skill:
A power with a Cost of 4 would require an expenditure of 4 Psi Points to activate one level of the power, 8 for two levels, etc. Psi Points, once used, are subtracted from the total and cannot be used again; Psi Points are regained with a full eight hours rest. This rest need not be sleep, but that character can undertake no strenuous activity during this time.
For example: Kenty has a PSI Stat of 8, so she has 8 Psi Points. She has Telepathy at a skill level of +4. She wishes to activate the power. Telepathy has a Psi Cost of 1, so every skill level she wishes to activate will cost her 1 Psi Point; having more than 4 Psi Points, she can fully use her Telepathy. If she had the skill at +9, she could only use it at a skill level of +8 (which would use up all her Psi Points) instead of her full potential of 10.
This means that many characters will have skills in powers that they can’t fully use—for the moment.
Increasing Psi Points
Psi Points are earned just like IP—for each game in which the ESPer uses Psionic powers, the Referee should award from 0 to 3 Psi Points. These add to the total available. Psi points work on a sliding scale. It is entirely up to the Referee to put a ceiling on Psi Points for his campaign; if the game world has powerful ESPers in it, the Ref should give out Psi Points relatively freely, and allow the villains to gain greater numbers of Psi Points. If powerful ESPers are not desired, never allow the characters to have more than their PSI Stat in Points—this will keep all Psionic activity to a minimum. In general, it is the Referee’s duty to allow characters to advance only as far he feels is appropriate.
Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-30
Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-50
Medium-High . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51-74
High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75-99
Very High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100+
UC3K is a ‘High’ Power Level campaign. The ESPers are brokin into four ‘classes” representing approximate power levels. A class D ESPer has 1 to 30 Psi Points, a Class C, 25 to 50, Class B, between 45 and 75 and Class A 75 to 100
Characters make practical use of their Psionic potential through the use of Psionic Skills. Most characters receive Psionic Skills through their Lifepath (as mentioned above), and may increase them with Education Points as determined by their Lifepath. A very few will possess Wild Talents that are inborn and ready to use from the time the character reaches maturity (see Wild Talents, below). As usual, you may not put more than 10 points into a single skill. Also, unlike other types of skill, a character may not raise any Psionic Skill to a level higher than his Psi Potential Stat. All Psionic skills fall into four Categories: Mind, Body, Force and Will. These categories define how Psionic powers are resisted—the Stats used to resist each Psionic skill are listed below.
Mind: Intelligence
Body: Body Type
Force: Luck
Will: Cool
Resisting Psi Skills
Any character who is attacked by an ESPer (ie, has a Psionic power used on him against his will) gets a chance to resist the attack. The roll is a contest of Stats between the two parties involved; if the attacker wins the power works as normal, and if the defender wins the Psionic skill has no effect, but the attacker still expends all the Psi Points he put into the attack (this includes the points he used to activate the skill as well as any he pumped into the attack as a bonus). If the Defender is also an ESPer then he has the option of adding his own PSI Stat and any extra Psi Points he wishes to put into the defense (in addition to getting the normal Stat defense).
The formulas for the opposing rolls are:
ATTACKER: PSI Stat + Psionic Skill +1D10
DEFENDER: Appropriate Stat (see above) +EMP Stat +1D10
Under GM moderated conditions the ESPer may add additional PSI points to an attack roll. Most of the time this will not be allowed however if dramatic circumstances call for a ‘push’ for the sake of the story, then up to 5, maybe a maximum of 10 extra points my be added.
Situational Modifiers may also apply, and, as always, Luck may be expended to help defend against any form of Psi attack.
Using Psionic Skills
Most resistance rolls against use of Psionic Skills should be made by the Referee secretly. When the goal is to gain information from another mind or across time and space, the Referee should reveal more of the information desired on a very good roll (well over the Difficulty), less information on a roll that barely gets by, and no useful information on an unsuccessful roll. The user of the skill should not know for certain about the completeness of the information, but the Referee can give a hint when he describes the results: “Your visualization is hazy, but you think you see a burning mecha behind a blue building.” Or, for a very good roll: “You see a green and white Mark IV Spitfire powered armor collapsed and burning behind a building marked ‘Satellite Protective Services.’ You can make out every detail of the damaged mecha, right down to the serial number VT4004 on the left shoulder.” When the goal is to affect another person or object (examples: an attack, an illusion, a use of telekinesis, or an attempt at healing), the character should learn only as much as he can observe about the effects of the attempt. When the Referee says, “your foe clutches his head and falls,” it may be an indicator of a successful mental attack, or a ruse by a clever enemy who has deflected your attack. Likewise, a psychic healer may see a wound stop bleeding and begin to close, but she will never know the exact number of damage points that are removed by the effort. A telekinetic can see a book lift from the table across the room, but should not be told how solid a “hold” he has, except in very general terms. “You easily lift the book, and see it rise smoothly to the ceiling” indicates a good roll. “The book wobbles, then rises unsteadily a meter into the air, where it remains, trembling” indicates marginal success. In some cases, such as Stat Boost, the player always knows how successful the attempt will be if it succeeds at all. Resistance rolls may be made freely by the player in such cases. But in most cases, keep the element of uncertainty in the use of Psionic Skills, to add role playing flavor to the game.
The use of most Psionic Skills requires concentration. In general, a person using one of these skills must focus attention on the use of the skill. No other action may be taken by a person using such a skill. Some skills (such as Aura Viewing) require a bit of concentration, but allow the user to do other things at the same time. These skills still may be disrupted by distractions, however. Danger Sensing is the only Psionic Skill considered to be “on” at all times, and needs no concentration at all.
A character who is injured or startled while using a Psionic Skill must make a COOL Stat roll (no skill applies) to avoid losing her concentration for a Turn. The difficulty level applied depends on the amount of distraction. An unexpected gunshot right behind you is about a Difficulty Level 10. Being hit in the face with a left hook is probably a Level 15 distraction. A major wound is at least a Level 20 distraction. A real emotional trauma, like seeing your best friend’s mecha explode, should be worth a Level 25 or more. If the roll fails, the concentration is interrupted and the power stops operating for one turn. At the end of the next full Turn, concentration can be reestablished if the distraction is gone. In the case of a continuing distraction (such as painfully loud noise all around you or the pain of a severe wound left untreated), a COOL Stat roll is required each turn until the distraction goes away.
Psi Unpredictability
Psionics is still something of an inexact science, and psi abilities and skills have a tendency to act unpredictably from time to time. This allows the Referee to use Psionic Skills to further the plot of an adventure. For example, a Referee may give a character with Clairvoyance or Precognition a warning of something that is happening or about to happen as the “spark” for an adventure situation (“Suddenly, your vision blurs and you can see Randal’s mecha stuck up to its waist in mud, sinking fast!”). In turn, an ability can fail when it is important to the plot that a piece of vital information remain secret. That is why the Referee makes most die rolls for Psionic Skills. The Referee should not use this unpredictability as an excuse to frustrate the players. In fact, spontaneous, uncontrolled use of Psionic powers should help the characters as often as it hinders them. Psi unpredictability keeps Psionic Skills from unbalancing the game and making characters into supercharacters who know everything and can do anything.
Healing …………….3 Psi per Level
Levitation* …………1 Psi per Level
Regeneration ………2 Psi per Level
Stat Boost ………….3 Psi per Level
Teleportation*……... 5 Psi per Level
Energy Manipulation* 4 Psi per Level
Psychometry ……….1 Psi per Level
Pyrokinesis* ……….3 Psi per Level
Retrocognition …….3 Psi per Level
Telekinesis* ……….3 Psi per Level
Astral Projection* ….2 Psi per Level
Illusion ……………..1 Psi per Level
Precognition ……….2 Psi per Level
Psi Blast ……………3 Psi per Level
Psi Block* …………..2 Psi per Level
Suggestion …………3 Psi per Level
Telepathy* …………1 Psi per Level
Aura Viewing* ……1 Psi per Level
Clairvoyance* …….3 Psi per Level
Danger Sensing….. -0-
Emotion Scan* ……1 Psi per Level
Mind Lock …………2 Psi per Level
Possession ……….4 Psi per Level
Psionic Skills
Following is a list of Psionics powers. The list is not meant to be all-encompassing; the Referee is encouraged to alter, add or otherwise change the nature of Psionics to suit his own campaign.
Advancement in Psionic skills is the same as for any other skill,—with one exception: All Psionic skills cost double the normal IP for advancement (i.e., 80 IP to go from level 4 to 5, etc.). An Asterisk (*) after a power’s name means it can be magnified through the use of an ESPer Lens.
Astral Projection*
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: This is the power to have your mental image leave your body and move across space to some other place.
Level Effects:
1: ESPer’s astral body can travel 100 meters from his body.
2: Travel 500 meters from his body.
3: Travel 1km from his body.
4: Travel 3km from his body.
5: Travel 10km from his body.
6: Travel 100km from his body.
7: Travel 1000km from his body.
8: Travel anywhere on the planet.
9: Travel anywhere in solar system.
10: ESPer’s astral body can travel across star systems.
Range: See above.
Duration: Using this power requires complete quiet and absolute concentration. If this is interrupted, you will “snap back” to your physical body. A roll must be made each minute your astral projection is maintained. One failure ends the astral projection, and snaps you back to your body. Worse yet, if you snap back you must make 1D10 less than your PSI Stat to avoid being stunned for 1D10 Turns. If you decide to return on your own, you come back immediately and there is no danger of “snapback.”
Special Rules: You can see and hear through this mental image, but cannot touch anything, nor be detected by any physical means (though telepaths, clairvoyants, and other people with this power may be able to sense you). Flight is possible, since you are not restricted by gravity, physical barriers such as walls, or even by the speed of light. But the farther away from your body that you travel, the harder it is to maintain the projection. Resistance rules apply as normal—the ESPer must roll against his own INT, as he is breaking his mind free of its grip on “reality.” While astrally projecting, your astral body can still be attacked by any other astral body you encounter (or by psychic attacks once you have been detected). You will take Damage from such attacks off your physical body. If your astral body is killed, you will die. In addition, your physical body is completely helpless while you are gone (although Danger Sensing may help you).
Aura Viewing*
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability of the ESPer to identify other ESPers and learn about their capabilities. Aura Viewing can be used to receive basic information about the viewee (such as age, sex, physical condition, mental health, etc.).
Level Effects:
1: ESPer can tell if the target has Psionic potential.
2: If the target is Psionic, the Aura Viewing will tell if she is Active or Latent.
3: ESPer can tell roughly how powerful the target’s Psionics are (Low, Medium or High).
4: ESPer can tell what the PSI Stat of the target is.
5: ESPer can tell roughly how many Psi Points target has (Low, Medium, High).
6: ESPer can tell exactly how many Psi Points the target has.
7: ESPer can tell what Psi Skills target has.
8: ESPer can tell levels of target’s Psi Skills.
9: ESPer can read five people at once.
10: ESPer can read ten people at once.
Range: 10 meters per level +10 meters per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: See below.
Special Rules: The viewing takes an instant (1 Action), but once a person is viewed, the ESPer carries the image of the aura around with him for a month per level of viewing. The ESPer will instantly recognize that person if he runs across the target again in that time. The normal resistance rules apply.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability for a ESPer to see with his “mind’s eye” events that are happening in a known location, or near a known person. This is visual only, and the ESPer will not have any other sensory input. For the Effects below, “known” means a close or intimate knowledge, while “familiar” means an acquaintance or association.
Level Effects:
1: Events of a known person or location (1km distant).
2: Known person or location (to 2km).
3: Known person or location (to 4km), familiar person or location (to 1km).
4: Known person or location (to 7km), familiar person or location (to 2km).
5: Known person or location (to 11km), familiar (to 4km), unknown (to 1km).
6: Known person or location (to 16km), familiar (to 7km), unknown (2km distant).
7: Known person or location (to 22km), familiar (to 11km), unknown (to 4km).
8: Known person or location (to 29km), familiar (to 16km), unknown (to 7km).
9: Known person or location (to 37km), familiar (to 22km), unknown (to 11km).
10: Known person or location (to 46km), familiar (to 29km), unknown (to 16km).
Range: As above, +2 Km per extra Psi point expended.
Duration: The ESPer sees one Round’s worth of sight per skill level. This can be extended by one Round per extra Psi Point expended (above and beyond extra range Psi Points).
Special Rules: The ESPer will generally see 5 meters per level around the target. If the ESPer expends an extra Psi Point per skill level (i.e., increases the Cost to 4), he will also be able to hear what is transpiring.
Danger Sensing
Cost to Activate: 0
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: This is a special power because it works differently than any other; whenever
the ESPer is in life-threatening danger (ambush, explosion about to happen, etc.), the Referee rolls 1D10. If the result is equal to or lower than the Danger Sensing skill level, the ESPer gets a flash warning. Warnings should be something like “Explosion,” or “Sniper,” or “Behind You.” All ESPers—Active and Latent—automatically get this ability at level 1 (but only Active Psionics will be able to advance the skill).
Emotion Scan*
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability to “read” the emotional state of targets, and at higher levels influence them.
Level Effects:
1: The ESPer gets basic feeling and emotional patterns from target (love, hate, joy, sadness).
2: ESPer receives more detailed feelings (hate Kargans, love Nancy, jealous of Jim, etc.).
3: Complex emotional patterns and their reasons (I am nervous because I planted a bomb in the airport and I hope no one finds out.)
4: Slight modifications on existing emotions (mellow intense hatred, suppress homicidal rage, etc.).
5: Moderate modifications onthe target’s existing emotions (mellow hatred to neutrality, increase like to a moderate love, etc.)
6: Massive modification to existing emotions (like to passionate love, dislike to intense hatred, etc.).
7: Implant simple emotions (like, dislike, discomfort, etc.).
8: Implant moderate emotions (attraction, distrust, fear, etc.).
9: Implant intense emotions (passionate love, suicidal depression, complete panic, etc.).
10: Affect multiple targets at once; Diff = 15 +(5 per added target).
Range: 10 meters per skill level, +100 meters per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: The active modification or reading of a person’s emotions is instantaneous. The after-effects (if any) last one day per skill level used. If the changes are massive, or harmful to the character, he receives a COOL roll vs Diff 15 (per day) to break the effects.
Special Rules: Any Emotion Scan skill usage on a person is considered an attack, so the target gets the normal chance to resist.
Energy Manipulation*
Cost to Activate: 4 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: The ability to move or “deflect” energy in large concentrations. This applies only to energy (Beam Weapons, EMWs, explosions, fire, etc.)— projectiles and other physical attacks cannot be stopped.
Level Effects:
1: 1 Hit of energy deflection.
2: 2 Hits of energy deflection.
3: 4 Hits of energy deflection.
4: 7 Hits of energy deflection.
5: 11 Hits of energy deflection.
6: 16 Hits of energy deflection.
7: 22 Hits of energy deflection.
8: 29 Hits of energy deflection.
9: 37 Hits of energy deflection.
10: 46 Hits of energy deflection.
Range: Five meters per level radius centered from the ESPer.
Duration: One Action per level, +1 Round per extra Psi point invested.
Special Rules: This power may be activated at any time during a Turn, at the cost of the
ESPer’s next Action. If the incoming attack is greater that the stopping power of the Psi, then the number of Hits that could be stopped is simply subtracted from the attack. To redirect the deflected attack requires an attack roll (as if firing a gun) of PSI Stat +Energy Manipulation skill -5 +1D10 vs the defender’s regular REF-based dodge roll.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: This power allows the ESPer to heal injuries on others. One use of the skill affects all parts of the body, up to the amount that the skill can handle; if the patient had taken 10 hits to the torso, 5 to the right arm and 6 to the left leg, the total to be healed is 21 hits.
Level Effects
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Hit regained.
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Hits regained.
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Hits regained.
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Hits regained.
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Hits regained.
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Hits regained.
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Hits regained.
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Hits regained.
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Hits regained.
10 . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Hits regained.
Range: Touch.
Duration: For each Hit healed, the ESPer must spend an Action concentrating on the victim (in other words, 3 Hits per Turn (10 seconds), or 1 Hit per action (3 seconds)).
Special Rules: All normal resistance rules apply; the ESPer must overcome the patient’s resistance roll in order to successfully heal him.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to create sight and sound (but not taste, touch, or smell) images that can be mistaken for real. Resistance rolls are made whenever the Ref deems appropriate; generally, the more mundane and contextually appropriate the illusion is, the less likely anyone is to question its veracity.
Level Effects:
1: Image is Diff 12 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
2: Image is Diff 14 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
3: Image is Diff 16 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
4: Image is Diff 18 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
5: Image is Diff 20 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
6: Image is Diff 22 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
7: Image is Diff 24 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
8: Image is Diff 26 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
9: Image is Diff 28 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
10: Image is Diff 30 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
Range: The target of a telepathic Illusion must be in visual sight or in telepathic contact. For another 2 Points per person, the ESPer may affect more than one target.
Duration: 1 Round per skill level. This may be increased by 2 Rounds per extra Psi Point expended.
Special Rules: Illusions can move and make sounds as if real, but physical objects pass through them (then the unreality of the illusion is immediately detected by anyone who noticed). Cameras, mechanical detectors, cyberoptics and machines are unaffected by illusions.
Illusion can be used to make onesself invisible as follows:
1: Invisibility is Diff 12 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self
2: Invisibility is Diff 14 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +1
3: Invisibility is Diff 16 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +2
4: Invisibility is Diff 18 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +3
5: Invisibility is Diff 20 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals 5 people, car or LandMate
6: Invisibility is Diff 22 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals 2 LandMates
7: Invisibility is Diff 24 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Truck, Tank, AeroDyne, Jet Fighter, 3-4 LandMates
8: Invisibility is Diff 26 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Mech, 5-10 LandMates
9: Invisibility is Diff 28 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Medium Star-Cruiser, BattleShip
10: Invisibility is Diff 30 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Skyscraper, Aircraft Carrier, Largest Star-Cruiser
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: With this power a person can lift himself telekinetically and fly.
Level Effects:
1: Movement Allowance = 1.
2: MA = 1/2 character’s MA.
3: MA = 1x character’s MA.
4: MA = 1.5x character’s MA.
5: MA = 2x character’s MA.
6: MA = 3x character’s MA.
7: MA = 4x character’s MA.
8: MA = 5x character’s MA.
9: MA = 7.5x character’s MA.
10: MA = 10x character’s MA.
Range: Self.
Duration: 1 Round per skill level. This may be increased by 2 Rounds per extra Psi Point expended.
Special Rules: A flying person can lift his own weight and remain in the air, and can continue to take other actions while flying as long as he remains conscious.
Mind Lock
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability to “freeze” another’s mind and keep him from acting.
Level Effects:
1: Target frozen for 1 Action per skill roll.
2: Target frozen for 1 Round per roll.
3: Target frozen for 2 Rounds per roll.
4: Target frozen for 3 Rounds per roll.
5: Target frozen for 4 Rounds per roll.
6: Target frozen for 5 Rounds per roll.
7: Target frozen for 6 Rounds per roll.
8: Target frozen for 8 Rounds per roll.
9: Target frozen for 10 Rounds per roll.
10: Target frozen for as long as ESPer concentrates.
Range: 20 meters per skill level. For another 2 Points per person, the ESPer may affect more than one target.
Duration: As above.
Special Rules: While a target is frozen, the ESPer using this power must concentrate on him for the duration of the effect, so the ESPer suffers a -4 to all other Actions. If the ESPer’s concentration is broken, the target is no longer frozen.
Cost to Activate: 4 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: This Psionic power allows the ESPer to take control of another person’s body for a limited amount of time. At higher levels it can be even used to transfer minds between bodies.
Level Effects:
1: The user can see through the victim’s eyes.
2: User can sense all sensations (sight, hearing, smell) that the target experiences.
3: ESPer can take control of target’s voice, making him say whatever the ESPer wants him to.
4: The ESPer can take total control of the target, but the body moves jerkily, like a zombie.
5: User may move in to the target’s body and can act normally. The victim is forced into the sub-conscious mind.
6: ESPer may possess the victim with enough control to act and sound like him. On a second successful skill roll, the ESPer may gain access to the victim’s memories.
7: ESPer may force a mind transferral between his body and the target’s. The target will be in the ESPer’s body, and the ESPer will be in the target’s body.
8: Above transferral can become permanent if the ESPer so chooses.
9: The ESPer may effect mind transfer between two other targets (he can switch the minds of others).
10: Permanent transferral between two people other than the ESPer.
Range: Touch. Range may be increased by 1 meter per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: One day per level of PSI Stat the ESPer has. The ESPer may stop at any time.
Special Rules: The ESPer retains personality, skills, Psi powers and mental Stats (INT, TECH, LUCK, COOL, EMP) while in the host body; the ESPer gets the victim’s ATT, REF, BOD and MA, and none of the victim’s skills or powers.
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: This power reveals to the user flashes of possible future events. Note that precognition does not predict the future as it must be, but as it might be if action is not taken to change the way things will happen. Generally, no one can try to bring on a precognitive “flash.” Most of the time they just “happen” without warning. Usually predictions will be mere hints of what is to come, though some are more specific than others.
Level Effects:
1: 1 very vague and difficult to interpret (obscure symbolism, etc.) precognitive flash per adventure.
2: 1 rather vague precognitive flash (with more than one possible interpretation) per adventure.
3: 1 simple precognitive flash (with one likely interpretation) per adventure.
4: 1 (relatively easy to interpret) precognitive flash per adventure.
5: 1 clear precognitive flash per adventure.
6: 1 very obvious precognitive flash per adventure.
7: 2 precognitive flashes per adventure (one obvious, one vague).
8: 3 precognitive flashes per adventure (one obvious, two vague).
9: 2 obvious precognitive flashes per adventure.
10: Numerous precognitive flashes (as desired by the Ref).
Range: Not applicable.
Duration: Precognitive flashes occur instantly, jarring the ESPer for 1 Turn. If a character tries to bring on a precognitive flash, however, it is certain not to work!
Special Rules: A roll should be made at least once per adventure, whenever a precognitive flash might be helpful to the Referee. Referees should feel free to ignore the dice altogether with this power and simply hand out precognitive flashes whenever they are appropriate, and to withhold
them whenever knowledge of the future would spoil the adventure.
Psi Blast
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to direct a bolt of psionic force at a psionic foe. The attack is useless
against a non-ESPer. The target must be within visual sight for the power to work.
Level Effects:
1: Headache; -3 to target’s next Action.
2: Major headache; target loses 1 Action.
3: Serious migraine; target loses his next Turn.
4: Brain tickle! Target loses two Turns.
5: Major feedback in the ol’ noggin; target loses three Turns.
6: Brain twists in its little pan; target’s head takes 1 Hit; target loses three Turns.
7: All synapses fire at once—ow! Target’s head takes 2 Hits; lose three Turns.
8: Neural pathways randomly reroute; target suffers 1D6 Hits to the head; lose three Turns.
9: Psionic overload shorts out most brain functions, 1D6+2 to head; lose 3 Turns.
10: Massive brain damage; 2D6 to the head—if he’s not dead, a Stun Save roll is required to avoid going into a coma.
Range: 5 meters per Psi level.
Duration: As above.
Special Rules: During lost Actions or Turns, the target may not act except to use Psionic powers or perform dodges at a -7 penalty.
Psi Block*
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to use your own powers to negate the effect of another’s ESPer ability.
Level Effects:
1: Blocks level 1 Psi.
2: Blocks level 2 Psi.
3: Blocks level 3 Psi.
4: Blocks level 4 Psi.
5: Blocks level 5 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
6: Blocks level 6 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
7: Blocks level 7 Psi Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
8: Blocks level 8 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
9: Blocks level 9 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
10: Blocks level 10 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
Range: Self, or another within 25 meters.
Range may be extended by 5 meters per Psi
Point expended.
Duration: As long as the blocker concentrates. Cancels only one Psionic skill per use.
Special Rules: Any ESPer may, instead of resisting an incoming Psionic attack, use Psi Block to cancel it. If the attacking ESPer used his power at a higher level than the defending ESPer can
block, the power is reduced by the level of Psi Block used (a level 6 power, when blocked by
a level 3 Psi Block, acts as a level 3 power). Psi Block may also be used to break an attack or ongoing power during its duration.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This skill involves the reading of psychic impressions from a non-living object; the ESPer may touch an object and immediately gain some sort of knowledge about where that item has been and who owns it.
Level Effects:
1: Simple sensory impression (a color pattern, a sound, even a smell or taste).
2: Multiple sensory impressions (a sound, a smell and a taste perhaps).
3: Simple emotional association (a locket may bring forth the impression of love and value by its owner).
4: Complex emotional association (a beloved locket might bring forward the image of its owner).
5: Simple conceptual association (image of the cat which wore the collar).
6: Complex conceptual association (a murder weapon might “remember” the scream of the victim).
7: Simple history behind the object (a ring was bought at a store, given by someone to his/her beloved).
8: Involved history behind the object (a ring was bought at the Pandora Jewelry Store, given by John to his beloved).
9: Complex biographical information about the object (a ring was bought at the Pandora Jewelry Store at such-andsuch location, given by John Smith, an American mechajock, to his beloved wife Angela, who is a housewife).
10: Complete information about the object and its associations.
Range: Touch.
Duration: If an object reveals nothing the first time it is handled by an individual using this power, it will never do so.
Special Rules: An object with little contact or emotional attachment might bring forward no image at all, however—even to the most gifted psychic. Thus, all Stat Rolls when trying this ability should be made secretly by the Referee. Resistance rolls are made only if the ESPer is attempting to learn something about a person; in such a case, that person’s LUCK is used.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: The ESPer can cause fires and keep them burning without fuel.
Level Effects:
1: Can start small fires in easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1 point of Damage to those touching the objects.
2: Can ignite easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1D6/2 Damage to those touching the objects.
3: Can burn easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
4: Can ignite flammable objects (cardboard boxes, books, dry wood, clothing), doing 1D6 to those touching the objects.
5: Can burn flammable objects (cardboard boxes, books, dry wood, clothing), doing 1D6+2 Damage to those touching the objects.
6: Can ignite less flammable objects (wet wood, large heavy logs, plastics, and other marginally flammable items—such as living flesh), doing 1D6+2 to those touching the objects.
7: Can burn less flammable objects (wet wood, large heavy logs, plastics, and other marginally flammable items— such as living flesh), doing 2D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
8: Can heat up nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 2D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
9: Can melt nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 2D6+2 Damage to those touching the objects.
10: Can incinerate nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 3D6 to those touching the objects.
Range: 20 meters per level used. The size of the initial fire is a single point at skill level 1, +1 meter area per level of skill over 1. For each extra Psi Point spent, the range may be increased by 5 meters or the area can be increased by 1 square meter.
Duration: All fires will burn naturally once set. If there is no fuel to sustain the fire, the ESPer may maintain the fire for as many turns as the fire’s equivalent Psionic skill level (at the cost of one Action per turn).
Special Rules: Resistance rolls for Pyrokinesis only apply if that which is being burned is on,in the hands of, or is a person. If someone is in a Hex that is on fire and his first action is to leave that Hex, he will sustain 1/2 Damage; each Round that he remains in a burning Hex, he takes full Damage.
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level. This cost is paid only once; the ESPer then gets
the healing as long as he concentrates.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: This ability allows the ESPer to use the power of his mind to heal damage to his body.
Level Effects:
1: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 4 Turns of concentration.
2: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 3 Turns of concentration.
3: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 2 Turns of concentration.
4: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every Turn of concentration.
5: The ESPer can heal 2 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
6: The ESPer can heal 3 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
7: The ESPer can heal 4 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
8: The ESPer can heal 5 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
9: The ESPer can heal 6 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
10: The ESPer can heal all Hits of Damage in one Action of concentration.
Range: Self.
Duration: Permanent.
Special Rules: The ESPer chooses which location to remove Damage from. Multiple locations require multiple attempts.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This is the ability to sense past events in the area where the sensitive individual is located. Looking back with this power usually gives vague images, not complete, easy-to-read information. Referees should be careful to use this power to reveal clues, not give away the entire secret behind a game adventure.
Range: The ESPer’s location. The time in the past may be pushed back 1 increment per extra Psi Point expended (i.e., at level 2, 1 extra Psi Point would allow the ESPer to see back 2 days, while at level 5 he could see back 2 years, etc.).
Level Effects:
1: ESPer can see 6 hours back in time.
2: ESPer can see 1 day back in time.
3: ESPer can see 1 week back in time.
4: ESPer can see 1 month back in time.
5: ESPer can see 1 year back in time.
6: ESPer can see 3 years back in time.
7: ESPer can see 10 years back in time.
8: ESPer can see 33 years back in time.
9: ESPer can see 100 years back in time.
10: ESPer can see 1000 years back in time.
Duration: The ESPer sees past events transpire only as long as he maintains concentration. The impressions end if this concentration is broken by distractions.
Special Rules: A place where one person spent a great deal of time leaves a stronger impression. A place where an emotional or psychic confrontation took place at the time being viewed improves the “reception” even more. Places and times where great psychic events took place (like a psi battle or a simple murder) are much easier to find than mundane events.
Stat Boost
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: With this power the ESPer may increase his Stats for a limited amount of time. The Stats that may be altered are Reflexes, Movement Allowance and Body Type.
Level Effects:
1: One Stat may gain +1 for one Action.
2: One Stat may gain +1 for one Turn.
3: One Stat may gain +1 for PSI Stat in Turns.
4: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for one Action.
5: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for one Turns.
6: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for PSI Stat in Turns.
7: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for one Action.
8: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for one Turn.
9: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for PSI Stat in Turns.
10: All Stats may gain +3 for PSI Stat in Turns.
Range: Touch or Self.
Duration: As above. Per extra Psi Point expended, the duration will last for 1 additional Action.
Special Rules: This power may be used on others if the ESPer so wishes. All normal resistance rules apply.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to implant memories and/or change memories and ideas in other people’s minds.
Level Effects:
1: Modify a minor memory (change of a number in an address or phone number, etc.).
2: Modify larger memory (a person’s name, an entire street address, etc.).
3: Minor modifications to an important or often-used memory (forget one digit in a security code or own phone number, etc.).
4: Major modifications to an important memory (lover’s last name, your own address, etc.).
5: Slight implanted memory (seeing someone on the street, receiving a nonvital phone call, etc.).
6: Sizable added memory (I just gave you a ¥100 bill, you didn’t really have a date with your lover, etc.).
7: Massive modification of important memories (you already checked the fuel level in your mecha, your orders were ..., etc.).
8: Able to place small thoughts that go against basic ideas in the target (you should leave your front door unlocked tonight, etc.).
9: Large or important false memories in the target (your lover ran off with someone else, your next door neighbor is a enemy spy, etc.).
10: The ability to put any memory or idea into another’s head (you want to kill yourself, you want to defect, etc.).
Range: 10 meters per Psi level. Range can be increased 10 meters per extra Psi Point used.
Duration: The false memories or ideas will last one day per skill level used. Duration can be increased one extra day per extra Psi Point spent.
Special Rules: If actions taken on a false memory are going to have permanent effects on a character’s life (suicide, defection, murder, etc.), they get a COOL roll vs 15 to break the false memory.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This ability allows the ESPer to manipulate physical objects with the power of
his mind.
Level Effects:
1: Move 10kg or deliver a 1d6 damage impact or generate a 5-SP shield.
2: Move 20kg, 2d6 damage, 10-SP shield.
3: Move 40kg, 3d6 damage, 15-SP shield.
4: Move 70kg, 4d6 damage, 20-SP shield.
5: Move 110kg, 5d6 damage, 25-SP shield.
6: Move 160kg, 6d6 damage, 30-SP shield.
7: Move 220kg, 7d6 damage, 35-SP shield.
8: Move 290kg, 8d6 damage, 40-SP shield.
9: Move 370kg, 9d6 damage, 45-SP shield.
10: Move 460kg, 10d6 damage, 50-SP shield.
Range: 20 meters per level used. Range can be increased 10m per extra Psi Point used.
Duration: Objects can move at a speed equal to the ESPer’s own MA, and movement lasts one Turn per skill level. Impacts and shields last one Action, and only attack or protect 1 target.
Special Rules: A TK attack must first be resisted by the target’s LUCK roll—if the resistance fails, the TK Damage is applied against Armor in the normal fashion.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: Telepathy is the basis for all mind-to-mind communication. With it, two individuals may communicate over distances, even if they cannot see each other
Level Effects:
1: ESPer may send simple thoughts or ideas (Run!, Look Out!, A Bomb!, etc.).
2: The ESPer may send or receive simple thoughts (as above).
3: The ESPer may send and receive simple thoughts (as above).
4: Send complex patterns (normal speech). Can send to 2people at once.
5: Send and receive complex patterns (normal speech). Can send to 4 people at once.
6: Conversations with up to ten people. Can send to six people at once.
7: The ESPer is capable of transmitting large amounts of data (ten minutes’ worth of speech in one Action). Can send to ten people at once.
8: The ESPer is capable of receiving large amounts of data (as above). Can send to twenty people at once.
9: The ESPer is capable of sending and receiving huge amounts of information (a good hour’s worth of information exchange can take place instantly). Can send to thrity people at once
10: Can send to forty people at once. Or can Impart one level of a skill as though learned to one person in a single action, this may be done multiple times imparting up to, but not exceeding, the ESPers own skill level in that skill. Skill Duration is permanent if a one-time cost of 10 Psi Points is expended.
Range: 100 meters per skill level, +1km per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: The mind-to-mind contact lasts up to ten minutes per skill level, and may be severed by the ESPer at will (or by the recipient on a successful resistance roll).
Special Rules: A telepathic communication has a certain feel to it, so the recipient will always know it’s a communication (rather than an attack).
Cost to Activate: 5 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: The ability to instantly transport yourself and possibly others to another spot. Teleportation is the most expensive and rare Psionic power. It is advised that the Referee maintain strict control of its use and availability during the game.
Level Effects:
1: ESPer may teleport himself up to 1 kilometer, to a well known location.
2: ESPer may teleport himself up to 5 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 1 other up to 1 kilometer, to a well known location.
3: ESPer may teleport himself up to 12 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 1 other up to 4 kilometers, to a well known location.
4: ESPer may teleport himself up to 25 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 2 others up to 7 kilometers, to a well known location.
5: ESPer may teleport himself up to 50 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 4 others up to 11 kilometers, to a well known location.
6: ESPer may teleport himself up to 100 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 7 others up to 16 kilometers, to a well known location.
7: ESPer may teleport himself up to 1000 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 11 others, up to 22 kilometers, to a well known location.
8: ESPer may teleport himself up to10,000 kilomaters, to a well known location. Or himself and 16 others up to 30 kilometers, to a well known location.
9: ESPer may teleport himself anywhere on the planet, to a well known location. Or himself and up to 22 others up to 60 kilometers, to a well known location.
10: ESPer may teleport himself anywhere in solar system, to a well known location. Or himself and 30 others up to 100 kilometers, to a well known location
Range: As above.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Special Rules: It take the ESPer one Turn of concentration to prepare for every level of teleportation. So to activate a level 4 teleport, he would need to spend 4 Turns in preparation. This time can be reduced by expending 2 extra Psi Points per Turn reduced. When transporting others, a LandMate counts as 5 people toward the maximum and a "BumbleBee" AV-9 counts as 20. A Mech can only be Teleported with use of an ESPer Lens or Space Fold (Teleportation) Machinery. (See Mekton Zeta Plus Pg. 81 for Details )
These points initially start at a value equal to the EMPathy stat times the ESPer’s Role Special Ability, “Sixth Sense”* Rank (for example Combat Sneak), and are recorded on the character’s Sheet. Psi Points is a flexible value, and will be expended and replenished over the course of games and campaigns.
*NEW ESPer Special Ability: “Sixth Sense” – Works like Combat Sense, represents an innate, Jedi-Like awareness of the near future, the enemies intent and generally being conscious of one’s surroundings. The Ranks in Sixth Sense can be added to any initiative roll, any awareness check and any roll for the PERception skill.
How Psi Points are Spent
Every Psionic power has a listed Cost. This is the number of Psi Points that must be expended to activate a single level of that Psionic skill:
A power with a Cost of 4 would require an expenditure of 4 Psi Points to activate one level of the power, 8 for two levels, etc. Psi Points, once used, are subtracted from the total and cannot be used again; Psi Points are regained with a full eight hours rest. This rest need not be sleep, but that character can undertake no strenuous activity during this time.
For example: Kenty has a PSI Stat of 8, so she has 8 Psi Points. She has Telepathy at a skill level of +4. She wishes to activate the power. Telepathy has a Psi Cost of 1, so every skill level she wishes to activate will cost her 1 Psi Point; having more than 4 Psi Points, she can fully use her Telepathy. If she had the skill at +9, she could only use it at a skill level of +8 (which would use up all her Psi Points) instead of her full potential of 10.
This means that many characters will have skills in powers that they can’t fully use—for the moment.
Increasing Psi Points
Psi Points are earned just like IP—for each game in which the ESPer uses Psionic powers, the Referee should award from 0 to 3 Psi Points. These add to the total available. Psi points work on a sliding scale. It is entirely up to the Referee to put a ceiling on Psi Points for his campaign; if the game world has powerful ESPers in it, the Ref should give out Psi Points relatively freely, and allow the villains to gain greater numbers of Psi Points. If powerful ESPers are not desired, never allow the characters to have more than their PSI Stat in Points—this will keep all Psionic activity to a minimum. In general, it is the Referee’s duty to allow characters to advance only as far he feels is appropriate.
Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10
Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-30
Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31-50
Medium-High . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51-74
High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75-99
Very High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100+
UC3K is a ‘High’ Power Level campaign. The ESPers are brokin into four ‘classes” representing approximate power levels. A class D ESPer has 1 to 30 Psi Points, a Class C, 25 to 50, Class B, between 45 and 75 and Class A 75 to 100
Characters make practical use of their Psionic potential through the use of Psionic Skills. Most characters receive Psionic Skills through their Lifepath (as mentioned above), and may increase them with Education Points as determined by their Lifepath. A very few will possess Wild Talents that are inborn and ready to use from the time the character reaches maturity (see Wild Talents, below). As usual, you may not put more than 10 points into a single skill. Also, unlike other types of skill, a character may not raise any Psionic Skill to a level higher than his Psi Potential Stat. All Psionic skills fall into four Categories: Mind, Body, Force and Will. These categories define how Psionic powers are resisted—the Stats used to resist each Psionic skill are listed below.
Mind: Intelligence
Body: Body Type
Force: Luck
Will: Cool
Resisting Psi Skills
Any character who is attacked by an ESPer (ie, has a Psionic power used on him against his will) gets a chance to resist the attack. The roll is a contest of Stats between the two parties involved; if the attacker wins the power works as normal, and if the defender wins the Psionic skill has no effect, but the attacker still expends all the Psi Points he put into the attack (this includes the points he used to activate the skill as well as any he pumped into the attack as a bonus). If the Defender is also an ESPer then he has the option of adding his own PSI Stat and any extra Psi Points he wishes to put into the defense (in addition to getting the normal Stat defense).
The formulas for the opposing rolls are:
ATTACKER: PSI Stat + Psionic Skill +1D10
DEFENDER: Appropriate Stat (see above) +EMP Stat +1D10
Under GM moderated conditions the ESPer may add additional PSI points to an attack roll. Most of the time this will not be allowed however if dramatic circumstances call for a ‘push’ for the sake of the story, then up to 5, maybe a maximum of 10 extra points my be added.
Situational Modifiers may also apply, and, as always, Luck may be expended to help defend against any form of Psi attack.
Using Psionic Skills
Most resistance rolls against use of Psionic Skills should be made by the Referee secretly. When the goal is to gain information from another mind or across time and space, the Referee should reveal more of the information desired on a very good roll (well over the Difficulty), less information on a roll that barely gets by, and no useful information on an unsuccessful roll. The user of the skill should not know for certain about the completeness of the information, but the Referee can give a hint when he describes the results: “Your visualization is hazy, but you think you see a burning mecha behind a blue building.” Or, for a very good roll: “You see a green and white Mark IV Spitfire powered armor collapsed and burning behind a building marked ‘Satellite Protective Services.’ You can make out every detail of the damaged mecha, right down to the serial number VT4004 on the left shoulder.” When the goal is to affect another person or object (examples: an attack, an illusion, a use of telekinesis, or an attempt at healing), the character should learn only as much as he can observe about the effects of the attempt. When the Referee says, “your foe clutches his head and falls,” it may be an indicator of a successful mental attack, or a ruse by a clever enemy who has deflected your attack. Likewise, a psychic healer may see a wound stop bleeding and begin to close, but she will never know the exact number of damage points that are removed by the effort. A telekinetic can see a book lift from the table across the room, but should not be told how solid a “hold” he has, except in very general terms. “You easily lift the book, and see it rise smoothly to the ceiling” indicates a good roll. “The book wobbles, then rises unsteadily a meter into the air, where it remains, trembling” indicates marginal success. In some cases, such as Stat Boost, the player always knows how successful the attempt will be if it succeeds at all. Resistance rolls may be made freely by the player in such cases. But in most cases, keep the element of uncertainty in the use of Psionic Skills, to add role playing flavor to the game.
The use of most Psionic Skills requires concentration. In general, a person using one of these skills must focus attention on the use of the skill. No other action may be taken by a person using such a skill. Some skills (such as Aura Viewing) require a bit of concentration, but allow the user to do other things at the same time. These skills still may be disrupted by distractions, however. Danger Sensing is the only Psionic Skill considered to be “on” at all times, and needs no concentration at all.
A character who is injured or startled while using a Psionic Skill must make a COOL Stat roll (no skill applies) to avoid losing her concentration for a Turn. The difficulty level applied depends on the amount of distraction. An unexpected gunshot right behind you is about a Difficulty Level 10. Being hit in the face with a left hook is probably a Level 15 distraction. A major wound is at least a Level 20 distraction. A real emotional trauma, like seeing your best friend’s mecha explode, should be worth a Level 25 or more. If the roll fails, the concentration is interrupted and the power stops operating for one turn. At the end of the next full Turn, concentration can be reestablished if the distraction is gone. In the case of a continuing distraction (such as painfully loud noise all around you or the pain of a severe wound left untreated), a COOL Stat roll is required each turn until the distraction goes away.
Psi Unpredictability
Psionics is still something of an inexact science, and psi abilities and skills have a tendency to act unpredictably from time to time. This allows the Referee to use Psionic Skills to further the plot of an adventure. For example, a Referee may give a character with Clairvoyance or Precognition a warning of something that is happening or about to happen as the “spark” for an adventure situation (“Suddenly, your vision blurs and you can see Randal’s mecha stuck up to its waist in mud, sinking fast!”). In turn, an ability can fail when it is important to the plot that a piece of vital information remain secret. That is why the Referee makes most die rolls for Psionic Skills. The Referee should not use this unpredictability as an excuse to frustrate the players. In fact, spontaneous, uncontrolled use of Psionic powers should help the characters as often as it hinders them. Psi unpredictability keeps Psionic Skills from unbalancing the game and making characters into supercharacters who know everything and can do anything.
Healing …………….3 Psi per Level
Levitation* …………1 Psi per Level
Regeneration ………2 Psi per Level
Stat Boost ………….3 Psi per Level
Teleportation*……... 5 Psi per Level
Energy Manipulation* 4 Psi per Level
Psychometry ……….1 Psi per Level
Pyrokinesis* ……….3 Psi per Level
Retrocognition …….3 Psi per Level
Telekinesis* ……….3 Psi per Level
Astral Projection* ….2 Psi per Level
Illusion ……………..1 Psi per Level
Precognition ……….2 Psi per Level
Psi Blast ……………3 Psi per Level
Psi Block* …………..2 Psi per Level
Suggestion …………3 Psi per Level
Telepathy* …………1 Psi per Level
Aura Viewing* ……1 Psi per Level
Clairvoyance* …….3 Psi per Level
Danger Sensing….. -0-
Emotion Scan* ……1 Psi per Level
Mind Lock …………2 Psi per Level
Possession ……….4 Psi per Level
Psionic Skills
Following is a list of Psionics powers. The list is not meant to be all-encompassing; the Referee is encouraged to alter, add or otherwise change the nature of Psionics to suit his own campaign.
Advancement in Psionic skills is the same as for any other skill,—with one exception: All Psionic skills cost double the normal IP for advancement (i.e., 80 IP to go from level 4 to 5, etc.). An Asterisk (*) after a power’s name means it can be magnified through the use of an ESPer Lens.
Astral Projection*
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: This is the power to have your mental image leave your body and move across space to some other place.
Level Effects:
1: ESPer’s astral body can travel 100 meters from his body.
2: Travel 500 meters from his body.
3: Travel 1km from his body.
4: Travel 3km from his body.
5: Travel 10km from his body.
6: Travel 100km from his body.
7: Travel 1000km from his body.
8: Travel anywhere on the planet.
9: Travel anywhere in solar system.
10: ESPer’s astral body can travel across star systems.
Range: See above.
Duration: Using this power requires complete quiet and absolute concentration. If this is interrupted, you will “snap back” to your physical body. A roll must be made each minute your astral projection is maintained. One failure ends the astral projection, and snaps you back to your body. Worse yet, if you snap back you must make 1D10 less than your PSI Stat to avoid being stunned for 1D10 Turns. If you decide to return on your own, you come back immediately and there is no danger of “snapback.”
Special Rules: You can see and hear through this mental image, but cannot touch anything, nor be detected by any physical means (though telepaths, clairvoyants, and other people with this power may be able to sense you). Flight is possible, since you are not restricted by gravity, physical barriers such as walls, or even by the speed of light. But the farther away from your body that you travel, the harder it is to maintain the projection. Resistance rules apply as normal—the ESPer must roll against his own INT, as he is breaking his mind free of its grip on “reality.” While astrally projecting, your astral body can still be attacked by any other astral body you encounter (or by psychic attacks once you have been detected). You will take Damage from such attacks off your physical body. If your astral body is killed, you will die. In addition, your physical body is completely helpless while you are gone (although Danger Sensing may help you).
Aura Viewing*
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability of the ESPer to identify other ESPers and learn about their capabilities. Aura Viewing can be used to receive basic information about the viewee (such as age, sex, physical condition, mental health, etc.).
Level Effects:
1: ESPer can tell if the target has Psionic potential.
2: If the target is Psionic, the Aura Viewing will tell if she is Active or Latent.
3: ESPer can tell roughly how powerful the target’s Psionics are (Low, Medium or High).
4: ESPer can tell what the PSI Stat of the target is.
5: ESPer can tell roughly how many Psi Points target has (Low, Medium, High).
6: ESPer can tell exactly how many Psi Points the target has.
7: ESPer can tell what Psi Skills target has.
8: ESPer can tell levels of target’s Psi Skills.
9: ESPer can read five people at once.
10: ESPer can read ten people at once.
Range: 10 meters per level +10 meters per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: See below.
Special Rules: The viewing takes an instant (1 Action), but once a person is viewed, the ESPer carries the image of the aura around with him for a month per level of viewing. The ESPer will instantly recognize that person if he runs across the target again in that time. The normal resistance rules apply.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability for a ESPer to see with his “mind’s eye” events that are happening in a known location, or near a known person. This is visual only, and the ESPer will not have any other sensory input. For the Effects below, “known” means a close or intimate knowledge, while “familiar” means an acquaintance or association.
Level Effects:
1: Events of a known person or location (1km distant).
2: Known person or location (to 2km).
3: Known person or location (to 4km), familiar person or location (to 1km).
4: Known person or location (to 7km), familiar person or location (to 2km).
5: Known person or location (to 11km), familiar (to 4km), unknown (to 1km).
6: Known person or location (to 16km), familiar (to 7km), unknown (2km distant).
7: Known person or location (to 22km), familiar (to 11km), unknown (to 4km).
8: Known person or location (to 29km), familiar (to 16km), unknown (to 7km).
9: Known person or location (to 37km), familiar (to 22km), unknown (to 11km).
10: Known person or location (to 46km), familiar (to 29km), unknown (to 16km).
Range: As above, +2 Km per extra Psi point expended.
Duration: The ESPer sees one Round’s worth of sight per skill level. This can be extended by one Round per extra Psi Point expended (above and beyond extra range Psi Points).
Special Rules: The ESPer will generally see 5 meters per level around the target. If the ESPer expends an extra Psi Point per skill level (i.e., increases the Cost to 4), he will also be able to hear what is transpiring.
Danger Sensing
Cost to Activate: 0
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: This is a special power because it works differently than any other; whenever
the ESPer is in life-threatening danger (ambush, explosion about to happen, etc.), the Referee rolls 1D10. If the result is equal to or lower than the Danger Sensing skill level, the ESPer gets a flash warning. Warnings should be something like “Explosion,” or “Sniper,” or “Behind You.” All ESPers—Active and Latent—automatically get this ability at level 1 (but only Active Psionics will be able to advance the skill).
Emotion Scan*
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability to “read” the emotional state of targets, and at higher levels influence them.
Level Effects:
1: The ESPer gets basic feeling and emotional patterns from target (love, hate, joy, sadness).
2: ESPer receives more detailed feelings (hate Kargans, love Nancy, jealous of Jim, etc.).
3: Complex emotional patterns and their reasons (I am nervous because I planted a bomb in the airport and I hope no one finds out.)
4: Slight modifications on existing emotions (mellow intense hatred, suppress homicidal rage, etc.).
5: Moderate modifications onthe target’s existing emotions (mellow hatred to neutrality, increase like to a moderate love, etc.)
6: Massive modification to existing emotions (like to passionate love, dislike to intense hatred, etc.).
7: Implant simple emotions (like, dislike, discomfort, etc.).
8: Implant moderate emotions (attraction, distrust, fear, etc.).
9: Implant intense emotions (passionate love, suicidal depression, complete panic, etc.).
10: Affect multiple targets at once; Diff = 15 +(5 per added target).
Range: 10 meters per skill level, +100 meters per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: The active modification or reading of a person’s emotions is instantaneous. The after-effects (if any) last one day per skill level used. If the changes are massive, or harmful to the character, he receives a COOL roll vs Diff 15 (per day) to break the effects.
Special Rules: Any Emotion Scan skill usage on a person is considered an attack, so the target gets the normal chance to resist.
Energy Manipulation*
Cost to Activate: 4 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: The ability to move or “deflect” energy in large concentrations. This applies only to energy (Beam Weapons, EMWs, explosions, fire, etc.)— projectiles and other physical attacks cannot be stopped.
Level Effects:
1: 1 Hit of energy deflection.
2: 2 Hits of energy deflection.
3: 4 Hits of energy deflection.
4: 7 Hits of energy deflection.
5: 11 Hits of energy deflection.
6: 16 Hits of energy deflection.
7: 22 Hits of energy deflection.
8: 29 Hits of energy deflection.
9: 37 Hits of energy deflection.
10: 46 Hits of energy deflection.
Range: Five meters per level radius centered from the ESPer.
Duration: One Action per level, +1 Round per extra Psi point invested.
Special Rules: This power may be activated at any time during a Turn, at the cost of the
ESPer’s next Action. If the incoming attack is greater that the stopping power of the Psi, then the number of Hits that could be stopped is simply subtracted from the attack. To redirect the deflected attack requires an attack roll (as if firing a gun) of PSI Stat +Energy Manipulation skill -5 +1D10 vs the defender’s regular REF-based dodge roll.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: This power allows the ESPer to heal injuries on others. One use of the skill affects all parts of the body, up to the amount that the skill can handle; if the patient had taken 10 hits to the torso, 5 to the right arm and 6 to the left leg, the total to be healed is 21 hits.
Level Effects
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Hit regained.
2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Hits regained.
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Hits regained.
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Hits regained.
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Hits regained.
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Hits regained.
7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Hits regained.
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Hits regained.
9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Hits regained.
10 . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Hits regained.
Range: Touch.
Duration: For each Hit healed, the ESPer must spend an Action concentrating on the victim (in other words, 3 Hits per Turn (10 seconds), or 1 Hit per action (3 seconds)).
Special Rules: All normal resistance rules apply; the ESPer must overcome the patient’s resistance roll in order to successfully heal him.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to create sight and sound (but not taste, touch, or smell) images that can be mistaken for real. Resistance rolls are made whenever the Ref deems appropriate; generally, the more mundane and contextually appropriate the illusion is, the less likely anyone is to question its veracity.
Level Effects:
1: Image is Diff 12 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
2: Image is Diff 14 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
3: Image is Diff 16 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
4: Image is Diff 18 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
5: Image is Diff 20 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
6: Image is Diff 22 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
7: Image is Diff 24 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
8: Image is Diff 26 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
9: Image is Diff 28 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
10: Image is Diff 30 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect it’s false.
Range: The target of a telepathic Illusion must be in visual sight or in telepathic contact. For another 2 Points per person, the ESPer may affect more than one target.
Duration: 1 Round per skill level. This may be increased by 2 Rounds per extra Psi Point expended.
Special Rules: Illusions can move and make sounds as if real, but physical objects pass through them (then the unreality of the illusion is immediately detected by anyone who noticed). Cameras, mechanical detectors, cyberoptics and machines are unaffected by illusions.
Illusion can be used to make onesself invisible as follows:
1: Invisibility is Diff 12 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self
2: Invisibility is Diff 14 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +1
3: Invisibility is Diff 16 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +2
4: Invisibility is Diff 18 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals self +3
5: Invisibility is Diff 20 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals 5 people, car or LandMate
6: Invisibility is Diff 22 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals 2 LandMates
7: Invisibility is Diff 24 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Truck, Tank, AeroDyne, Jet Fighter, 3-4 LandMates
8: Invisibility is Diff 26 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Mech, 5-10 LandMates
9: Invisibility is Diff 28 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Medium Star-Cruiser, BattleShip
10: Invisibility is Diff 30 vs (INT + Awareness +1D10) to detect. Conceals Skyscraper, Aircraft Carrier, Largest Star-Cruiser
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: With this power a person can lift himself telekinetically and fly.
Level Effects:
1: Movement Allowance = 1.
2: MA = 1/2 character’s MA.
3: MA = 1x character’s MA.
4: MA = 1.5x character’s MA.
5: MA = 2x character’s MA.
6: MA = 3x character’s MA.
7: MA = 4x character’s MA.
8: MA = 5x character’s MA.
9: MA = 7.5x character’s MA.
10: MA = 10x character’s MA.
Range: Self.
Duration: 1 Round per skill level. This may be increased by 2 Rounds per extra Psi Point expended.
Special Rules: A flying person can lift his own weight and remain in the air, and can continue to take other actions while flying as long as he remains conscious.
Mind Lock
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: The ability to “freeze” another’s mind and keep him from acting.
Level Effects:
1: Target frozen for 1 Action per skill roll.
2: Target frozen for 1 Round per roll.
3: Target frozen for 2 Rounds per roll.
4: Target frozen for 3 Rounds per roll.
5: Target frozen for 4 Rounds per roll.
6: Target frozen for 5 Rounds per roll.
7: Target frozen for 6 Rounds per roll.
8: Target frozen for 8 Rounds per roll.
9: Target frozen for 10 Rounds per roll.
10: Target frozen for as long as ESPer concentrates.
Range: 20 meters per skill level. For another 2 Points per person, the ESPer may affect more than one target.
Duration: As above.
Special Rules: While a target is frozen, the ESPer using this power must concentrate on him for the duration of the effect, so the ESPer suffers a -4 to all other Actions. If the ESPer’s concentration is broken, the target is no longer frozen.
Cost to Activate: 4 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Will (resisted by COOL)
Description: This Psionic power allows the ESPer to take control of another person’s body for a limited amount of time. At higher levels it can be even used to transfer minds between bodies.
Level Effects:
1: The user can see through the victim’s eyes.
2: User can sense all sensations (sight, hearing, smell) that the target experiences.
3: ESPer can take control of target’s voice, making him say whatever the ESPer wants him to.
4: The ESPer can take total control of the target, but the body moves jerkily, like a zombie.
5: User may move in to the target’s body and can act normally. The victim is forced into the sub-conscious mind.
6: ESPer may possess the victim with enough control to act and sound like him. On a second successful skill roll, the ESPer may gain access to the victim’s memories.
7: ESPer may force a mind transferral between his body and the target’s. The target will be in the ESPer’s body, and the ESPer will be in the target’s body.
8: Above transferral can become permanent if the ESPer so chooses.
9: The ESPer may effect mind transfer between two other targets (he can switch the minds of others).
10: Permanent transferral between two people other than the ESPer.
Range: Touch. Range may be increased by 1 meter per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: One day per level of PSI Stat the ESPer has. The ESPer may stop at any time.
Special Rules: The ESPer retains personality, skills, Psi powers and mental Stats (INT, TECH, LUCK, COOL, EMP) while in the host body; the ESPer gets the victim’s ATT, REF, BOD and MA, and none of the victim’s skills or powers.
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: This power reveals to the user flashes of possible future events. Note that precognition does not predict the future as it must be, but as it might be if action is not taken to change the way things will happen. Generally, no one can try to bring on a precognitive “flash.” Most of the time they just “happen” without warning. Usually predictions will be mere hints of what is to come, though some are more specific than others.
Level Effects:
1: 1 very vague and difficult to interpret (obscure symbolism, etc.) precognitive flash per adventure.
2: 1 rather vague precognitive flash (with more than one possible interpretation) per adventure.
3: 1 simple precognitive flash (with one likely interpretation) per adventure.
4: 1 (relatively easy to interpret) precognitive flash per adventure.
5: 1 clear precognitive flash per adventure.
6: 1 very obvious precognitive flash per adventure.
7: 2 precognitive flashes per adventure (one obvious, one vague).
8: 3 precognitive flashes per adventure (one obvious, two vague).
9: 2 obvious precognitive flashes per adventure.
10: Numerous precognitive flashes (as desired by the Ref).
Range: Not applicable.
Duration: Precognitive flashes occur instantly, jarring the ESPer for 1 Turn. If a character tries to bring on a precognitive flash, however, it is certain not to work!
Special Rules: A roll should be made at least once per adventure, whenever a precognitive flash might be helpful to the Referee. Referees should feel free to ignore the dice altogether with this power and simply hand out precognitive flashes whenever they are appropriate, and to withhold
them whenever knowledge of the future would spoil the adventure.
Psi Blast
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to direct a bolt of psionic force at a psionic foe. The attack is useless
against a non-ESPer. The target must be within visual sight for the power to work.
Level Effects:
1: Headache; -3 to target’s next Action.
2: Major headache; target loses 1 Action.
3: Serious migraine; target loses his next Turn.
4: Brain tickle! Target loses two Turns.
5: Major feedback in the ol’ noggin; target loses three Turns.
6: Brain twists in its little pan; target’s head takes 1 Hit; target loses three Turns.
7: All synapses fire at once—ow! Target’s head takes 2 Hits; lose three Turns.
8: Neural pathways randomly reroute; target suffers 1D6 Hits to the head; lose three Turns.
9: Psionic overload shorts out most brain functions, 1D6+2 to head; lose 3 Turns.
10: Massive brain damage; 2D6 to the head—if he’s not dead, a Stun Save roll is required to avoid going into a coma.
Range: 5 meters per Psi level.
Duration: As above.
Special Rules: During lost Actions or Turns, the target may not act except to use Psionic powers or perform dodges at a -7 penalty.
Psi Block*
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to use your own powers to negate the effect of another’s ESPer ability.
Level Effects:
1: Blocks level 1 Psi.
2: Blocks level 2 Psi.
3: Blocks level 3 Psi.
4: Blocks level 4 Psi.
5: Blocks level 5 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
6: Blocks level 6 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
7: Blocks level 7 Psi Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
8: Blocks level 8 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
9: Blocks level 9 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
10: Blocks level 10 Psi. Can use ability to negate attack directed at others.
Range: Self, or another within 25 meters.
Range may be extended by 5 meters per Psi
Point expended.
Duration: As long as the blocker concentrates. Cancels only one Psionic skill per use.
Special Rules: Any ESPer may, instead of resisting an incoming Psionic attack, use Psi Block to cancel it. If the attacking ESPer used his power at a higher level than the defending ESPer can
block, the power is reduced by the level of Psi Block used (a level 6 power, when blocked by
a level 3 Psi Block, acts as a level 3 power). Psi Block may also be used to break an attack or ongoing power during its duration.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This skill involves the reading of psychic impressions from a non-living object; the ESPer may touch an object and immediately gain some sort of knowledge about where that item has been and who owns it.
Level Effects:
1: Simple sensory impression (a color pattern, a sound, even a smell or taste).
2: Multiple sensory impressions (a sound, a smell and a taste perhaps).
3: Simple emotional association (a locket may bring forth the impression of love and value by its owner).
4: Complex emotional association (a beloved locket might bring forward the image of its owner).
5: Simple conceptual association (image of the cat which wore the collar).
6: Complex conceptual association (a murder weapon might “remember” the scream of the victim).
7: Simple history behind the object (a ring was bought at a store, given by someone to his/her beloved).
8: Involved history behind the object (a ring was bought at the Pandora Jewelry Store, given by John to his beloved).
9: Complex biographical information about the object (a ring was bought at the Pandora Jewelry Store at such-andsuch location, given by John Smith, an American mechajock, to his beloved wife Angela, who is a housewife).
10: Complete information about the object and its associations.
Range: Touch.
Duration: If an object reveals nothing the first time it is handled by an individual using this power, it will never do so.
Special Rules: An object with little contact or emotional attachment might bring forward no image at all, however—even to the most gifted psychic. Thus, all Stat Rolls when trying this ability should be made secretly by the Referee. Resistance rolls are made only if the ESPer is attempting to learn something about a person; in such a case, that person’s LUCK is used.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: The ESPer can cause fires and keep them burning without fuel.
Level Effects:
1: Can start small fires in easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1 point of Damage to those touching the objects.
2: Can ignite easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1D6/2 Damage to those touching the objects.
3: Can burn easily flammable objects (kindling, loose paper, flammable gas), doing 1D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
4: Can ignite flammable objects (cardboard boxes, books, dry wood, clothing), doing 1D6 to those touching the objects.
5: Can burn flammable objects (cardboard boxes, books, dry wood, clothing), doing 1D6+2 Damage to those touching the objects.
6: Can ignite less flammable objects (wet wood, large heavy logs, plastics, and other marginally flammable items—such as living flesh), doing 1D6+2 to those touching the objects.
7: Can burn less flammable objects (wet wood, large heavy logs, plastics, and other marginally flammable items— such as living flesh), doing 2D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
8: Can heat up nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 2D6 Damage to those touching the objects.
9: Can melt nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 2D6+2 Damage to those touching the objects.
10: Can incinerate nonflammable objects (brick, stone and metal), doing 3D6 to those touching the objects.
Range: 20 meters per level used. The size of the initial fire is a single point at skill level 1, +1 meter area per level of skill over 1. For each extra Psi Point spent, the range may be increased by 5 meters or the area can be increased by 1 square meter.
Duration: All fires will burn naturally once set. If there is no fuel to sustain the fire, the ESPer may maintain the fire for as many turns as the fire’s equivalent Psionic skill level (at the cost of one Action per turn).
Special Rules: Resistance rolls for Pyrokinesis only apply if that which is being burned is on,in the hands of, or is a person. If someone is in a Hex that is on fire and his first action is to leave that Hex, he will sustain 1/2 Damage; each Round that he remains in a burning Hex, he takes full Damage.
Cost to Activate: 2 Psi Points per skill level. This cost is paid only once; the ESPer then gets
the healing as long as he concentrates.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: This ability allows the ESPer to use the power of his mind to heal damage to his body.
Level Effects:
1: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 4 Turns of concentration.
2: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 3 Turns of concentration.
3: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every 2 Turns of concentration.
4: The ESPer can heal 1 Hit of Damage for every Turn of concentration.
5: The ESPer can heal 2 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
6: The ESPer can heal 3 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
7: The ESPer can heal 4 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
8: The ESPer can heal 5 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
9: The ESPer can heal 6 Hits of Damage for every Action of concentration.
10: The ESPer can heal all Hits of Damage in one Action of concentration.
Range: Self.
Duration: Permanent.
Special Rules: The ESPer chooses which location to remove Damage from. Multiple locations require multiple attempts.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This is the ability to sense past events in the area where the sensitive individual is located. Looking back with this power usually gives vague images, not complete, easy-to-read information. Referees should be careful to use this power to reveal clues, not give away the entire secret behind a game adventure.
Range: The ESPer’s location. The time in the past may be pushed back 1 increment per extra Psi Point expended (i.e., at level 2, 1 extra Psi Point would allow the ESPer to see back 2 days, while at level 5 he could see back 2 years, etc.).
Level Effects:
1: ESPer can see 6 hours back in time.
2: ESPer can see 1 day back in time.
3: ESPer can see 1 week back in time.
4: ESPer can see 1 month back in time.
5: ESPer can see 1 year back in time.
6: ESPer can see 3 years back in time.
7: ESPer can see 10 years back in time.
8: ESPer can see 33 years back in time.
9: ESPer can see 100 years back in time.
10: ESPer can see 1000 years back in time.
Duration: The ESPer sees past events transpire only as long as he maintains concentration. The impressions end if this concentration is broken by distractions.
Special Rules: A place where one person spent a great deal of time leaves a stronger impression. A place where an emotional or psychic confrontation took place at the time being viewed improves the “reception” even more. Places and times where great psychic events took place (like a psi battle or a simple murder) are much easier to find than mundane events.
Stat Boost
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: With this power the ESPer may increase his Stats for a limited amount of time. The Stats that may be altered are Reflexes, Movement Allowance and Body Type.
Level Effects:
1: One Stat may gain +1 for one Action.
2: One Stat may gain +1 for one Turn.
3: One Stat may gain +1 for PSI Stat in Turns.
4: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for one Action.
5: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for one Turns.
6: One Stat may gain +2, or two Stats may gain +1, for PSI Stat in Turns.
7: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for one Action.
8: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for one Turn.
9: One Stat may gain +3, or +2/+1, or +1/+1/+1, for PSI Stat in Turns.
10: All Stats may gain +3 for PSI Stat in Turns.
Range: Touch or Self.
Duration: As above. Per extra Psi Point expended, the duration will last for 1 additional Action.
Special Rules: This power may be used on others if the ESPer so wishes. All normal resistance rules apply.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: The ability to implant memories and/or change memories and ideas in other people’s minds.
Level Effects:
1: Modify a minor memory (change of a number in an address or phone number, etc.).
2: Modify larger memory (a person’s name, an entire street address, etc.).
3: Minor modifications to an important or often-used memory (forget one digit in a security code or own phone number, etc.).
4: Major modifications to an important memory (lover’s last name, your own address, etc.).
5: Slight implanted memory (seeing someone on the street, receiving a nonvital phone call, etc.).
6: Sizable added memory (I just gave you a ¥100 bill, you didn’t really have a date with your lover, etc.).
7: Massive modification of important memories (you already checked the fuel level in your mecha, your orders were ..., etc.).
8: Able to place small thoughts that go against basic ideas in the target (you should leave your front door unlocked tonight, etc.).
9: Large or important false memories in the target (your lover ran off with someone else, your next door neighbor is a enemy spy, etc.).
10: The ability to put any memory or idea into another’s head (you want to kill yourself, you want to defect, etc.).
Range: 10 meters per Psi level. Range can be increased 10 meters per extra Psi Point used.
Duration: The false memories or ideas will last one day per skill level used. Duration can be increased one extra day per extra Psi Point spent.
Special Rules: If actions taken on a false memory are going to have permanent effects on a character’s life (suicide, defection, murder, etc.), they get a COOL roll vs 15 to break the false memory.
Cost to Activate: 3 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Force (resisted by LUCK)
Description: This ability allows the ESPer to manipulate physical objects with the power of
his mind.
Level Effects:
1: Move 10kg or deliver a 1d6 damage impact or generate a 5-SP shield.
2: Move 20kg, 2d6 damage, 10-SP shield.
3: Move 40kg, 3d6 damage, 15-SP shield.
4: Move 70kg, 4d6 damage, 20-SP shield.
5: Move 110kg, 5d6 damage, 25-SP shield.
6: Move 160kg, 6d6 damage, 30-SP shield.
7: Move 220kg, 7d6 damage, 35-SP shield.
8: Move 290kg, 8d6 damage, 40-SP shield.
9: Move 370kg, 9d6 damage, 45-SP shield.
10: Move 460kg, 10d6 damage, 50-SP shield.
Range: 20 meters per level used. Range can be increased 10m per extra Psi Point used.
Duration: Objects can move at a speed equal to the ESPer’s own MA, and movement lasts one Turn per skill level. Impacts and shields last one Action, and only attack or protect 1 target.
Special Rules: A TK attack must first be resisted by the target’s LUCK roll—if the resistance fails, the TK Damage is applied against Armor in the normal fashion.
Cost to Activate: 1 Psi Point per skill level.
Category: Mind (resisted by INT)
Description: Telepathy is the basis for all mind-to-mind communication. With it, two individuals may communicate over distances, even if they cannot see each other
Level Effects:
1: ESPer may send simple thoughts or ideas (Run!, Look Out!, A Bomb!, etc.).
2: The ESPer may send or receive simple thoughts (as above).
3: The ESPer may send and receive simple thoughts (as above).
4: Send complex patterns (normal speech). Can send to 2people at once.
5: Send and receive complex patterns (normal speech). Can send to 4 people at once.
6: Conversations with up to ten people. Can send to six people at once.
7: The ESPer is capable of transmitting large amounts of data (ten minutes’ worth of speech in one Action). Can send to ten people at once.
8: The ESPer is capable of receiving large amounts of data (as above). Can send to twenty people at once.
9: The ESPer is capable of sending and receiving huge amounts of information (a good hour’s worth of information exchange can take place instantly). Can send to thrity people at once
10: Can send to forty people at once. Or can Impart one level of a skill as though learned to one person in a single action, this may be done multiple times imparting up to, but not exceeding, the ESPers own skill level in that skill. Skill Duration is permanent if a one-time cost of 10 Psi Points is expended.
Range: 100 meters per skill level, +1km per extra Psi Point expended.
Duration: The mind-to-mind contact lasts up to ten minutes per skill level, and may be severed by the ESPer at will (or by the recipient on a successful resistance roll).
Special Rules: A telepathic communication has a certain feel to it, so the recipient will always know it’s a communication (rather than an attack).
Cost to Activate: 5 Psi Points per skill level.
Category: Body (resisted by BOD)
Description: The ability to instantly transport yourself and possibly others to another spot. Teleportation is the most expensive and rare Psionic power. It is advised that the Referee maintain strict control of its use and availability during the game.
Level Effects:
1: ESPer may teleport himself up to 1 kilometer, to a well known location.
2: ESPer may teleport himself up to 5 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 1 other up to 1 kilometer, to a well known location.
3: ESPer may teleport himself up to 12 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 1 other up to 4 kilometers, to a well known location.
4: ESPer may teleport himself up to 25 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 2 others up to 7 kilometers, to a well known location.
5: ESPer may teleport himself up to 50 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 4 others up to 11 kilometers, to a well known location.
6: ESPer may teleport himself up to 100 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 7 others up to 16 kilometers, to a well known location.
7: ESPer may teleport himself up to 1000 kilometers, to a well known location. Or himself and 11 others, up to 22 kilometers, to a well known location.
8: ESPer may teleport himself up to10,000 kilomaters, to a well known location. Or himself and 16 others up to 30 kilometers, to a well known location.
9: ESPer may teleport himself anywhere on the planet, to a well known location. Or himself and up to 22 others up to 60 kilometers, to a well known location.
10: ESPer may teleport himself anywhere in solar system, to a well known location. Or himself and 30 others up to 100 kilometers, to a well known location
Range: As above.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Special Rules: It take the ESPer one Turn of concentration to prepare for every level of teleportation. So to activate a level 4 teleport, he would need to spend 4 Turns in preparation. This time can be reduced by expending 2 extra Psi Points per Turn reduced. When transporting others, a LandMate counts as 5 people toward the maximum and a "BumbleBee" AV-9 counts as 20. A Mech can only be Teleported with use of an ESPer Lens or Space Fold (Teleportation) Machinery. (See Mekton Zeta Plus Pg. 81 for Details )
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