One of the last remaining aspects of the former United State's G.I.-J.O.E. top secret anti-terrorist program. J.O.E. is a "Spider"-model full-conversion body cyborg currently in service to the Earth Federation Army as a Recon Trooper and Sniper. His signature modified-ammunition, super-heavy cyborg rifle is allready gaining him a deadly reputation, though his disregard for the safety of teammates is not winning him any trust or acceptance.
Seth Nishimura lives in Austin, Texas with Alex Candelas and work for the local Municipal Utility Company "Austin Energy" in the commercial division.
If you're gonna name your character something as apparently careless as 'Joe' with no last name or anything. I am SURELY going to fuck with you by giving you a cheesy connection to the name. Heh-heh. Hence, you get to have to listen to the other players yell, "Yo Joe!" when you go into battle.
LOL. I have no qualms about that. My un-imaganative naming-capacity just BARELY eeked out me naming him, 'Cyborg' or 'Robot'.
Altho, anyone foolish enough to attempt to coerce a 400lbs, mentally-unstable cyborg into yelling, "Yo Jo!" is gonna have to cope. Possibly without arms and legs.
Hahahaha! Hell to the Yeah! I re-read that reply and my wife,looking over my shoulder said, "why you gotta be a dick?!" and I was like. Wow, that did sound kind of dickly. I totally didn't mean it that way. But I totally agree that you should gleefully de-limb any meat-sacks who give you shit. Like Chewbacca in the Lego Star-Wars games.
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