'Agent Etranger' Jaqueline "Orbital Jack" Smith is an ESPer defector from the Principality of Near Earth Orbitals and 'Special Expatriate' under dispensation from A.E.G.I.S./Olympus on assignment with the Earth Federation Army through Executive Order 65394. She is a 'Special Agent' in the same sense as with the former U.S. F.B.I. in that she possesses special skills on requisition for Earth Federation Army use as a condition of her political asylum. She is an enigmatic representative of the near-mythic "ESPer" evolved human minority which is thought by many not to exist due to their extreme rarity. She has the M.O.S. of Covert Ops Officer and a master's degree in psychology with a minor in Psy-Ops Warfare.
Kandace "Ezra" Smith is a long time roleplayer with experience in Shard Studio's Dárdünah Role Playing Game marketing under the name of SHARD. She also has many years experience playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
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