PANZER FAUST- (for full conversions only) A martial art developed exclusively for use by full borgs, it centers on the enormous power and fantastic speed only a full body conversion could stand. (the stress in the joints would tear a human apart even if he could learn it.) Once learned this is the only martial art a borg can know due to the rigorous training. Originally taught only to AEGIS military full conversion cyborgs, it has grown in popularity and begun being taught in private schools all over the world.
Style Panzer Faust (full borg only)
Mod (5)
Strike -
Punch 3
Kick 3
Disarm -
Sweep 1
Block -
Dodge 3
Grapple 3
Throw 1
Hold -
Choke -
Escape 4
Ram 3
This art was developed by top-practitioners who studied under Gezere-class Kammer Frau Yoko von der Rasierklinge after her defection to Earth. It also incorporates the teaching of S.C.A.R.S. The Scientific Combat Auto-Reactionary System, also known as Autokinetics, which is the martial art taught exclusively to Navy S.E.A.L.’s and Air Force Rescue teams. It is among the most brutal and effective learn martial arts on the planet, and is completely geared towards offense, in fact it teaches no defense, instead it focuses on killing moves, delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible. Training for this art is so harsh in fact, that many would be practitioners, including seasoned martial artists and combat veterans, quit during the first day.
Style Panzer Faust (full borg only)
Mod (5)
Strike -
Punch 3
Kick 3
Disarm -
Sweep 1
Block -
Dodge 3
Grapple 3
Throw 1
Hold -
Choke -
Escape 4
Ram 3
This art was developed by top-practitioners who studied under Gezere-class Kammer Frau Yoko von der Rasierklinge after her defection to Earth. It also incorporates the teaching of S.C.A.R.S. The Scientific Combat Auto-Reactionary System, also known as Autokinetics, which is the martial art taught exclusively to Navy S.E.A.L.’s and Air Force Rescue teams. It is among the most brutal and effective learn martial arts on the planet, and is completely geared towards offense, in fact it teaches no defense, instead it focuses on killing moves, delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible. Training for this art is so harsh in fact, that many would be practitioners, including seasoned martial artists and combat veterans, quit during the first day.
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