Saturday, January 1, 2005

The Game Master/Administrator

Rev. Dr. Eric Z. Willman is the organizer of UC3K and author of this site. The Reverend has been playing Dungeons & Dragons since 1982. He is a veteran player of several role-playing game systems including Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu, Palladium's Stormbringer, Robotech and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, R. Talsorian's Cyberpunk and Mekton Zeta, White Wolf's Vampire, Mage, Changeling, and Werewolf games as well as their lesser known Ars Magica, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying, Hero System and Fantasy hero, Villains and Vigilantes, Marvel Super Heroes, DC Heroes, the little-known Nightlife system of splatterpunk games, Twilight 2000 and Traveler.

With about three years experience as Dungeon Master under the version 3 and 3.5 rules system, he seeks to improve and expand his skills as an entertaining and engaging adjudicator, ally and adversary to his players. His goal is to become a proficient storyteller, weaving scenarios and campaigns that challenge, delight, and ultimately, entertain his players memorably.

Ph: 512-657-1970

email: revdrwillman at

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