Monday, January 1, 2007

Earth Federation / AEGIS Central Management Bureau

The Federation is loosely based on the United States, (see the section on Olympus), but is not a successor to that Nation. It is a global government that was formed by surviving nations of World Wars III through V. In UC3K, few individual nations are mentioned or continue to exist. Places are mentioned by what landmass or region they are in, such as New York City and Odessa are mentioned to be located in North America and Central Asia, not the United States or Ukraine. While Japan, Australia, and Ireland are mentioned, these names refer to the landmasses and not the former countries.

The Federation military headquarters is a secret, underground complex located at Jaburo, deep in the Amazon jungle. It was located underground for protection against NEO attacks.
The Federation maintains a just for show military academy at Nijmegen.
The Earth Federation Capital is located in Olympus.

The Earth Federation was formed in the pre-Universal Century (i.e. the 20th Century), when overpopulation began causing famines, outbreaks of disease, and wars over living space, food, and resources.

Space colonization
In order to relieve Earth of the burden and allow it to heal, the Earth Federation announced the Space Colonization Plan. The Earth Federation began the construction of orbital habitats, based on the designs and research of Gerard K. O'Neill, and located in the Earth-Lunar Lagrangian Points. The colonies, called Bunches (possibly due to the ballistic pairing of the colony cylinders) were then organized into administrative sectors called Sides. While most of the human population was forced to relocate to the colonies as part of the Space Colonization Plan, the wealthy and influential members were able to remain on Earth. This gave rise to the popular image of the Earth Federation as "Earth-Born Elite", living comfortably on Earth while the ordinary populace, for the most part, has been forced to live in space.

In order to maintain and satisfy energy concerns, the Earth Federation launches Solar Power Station Satellites, which broadcast energy to power stations on the ground. In addition, the Federation also launched the Jupiter Energy Fleet, which collects helium-3, hydrogen and methane from the upper atmosphere of the gas giant.

Earth Federation Forces
The Earth Federation forces were organized under the moniker Earth Federation Forces, or EFF, to enforce AEGIS (CMB)/Federation edicts. The Earth Federation Forces were organized into three groups - an Air force, which handled all airborn military matters in Earth atmosphere, and a naval military branch, and the Army which had bases and troops both in space and on Earth. With the rise of separatist colonies came the creation of the Earth Federation Space Forces or EFSF.

Until UC 0087, the military central command for the Earth Federation Forces was located at a base called Jaburo, located under the Amazon river. During the One Year War, the base was the target of many attacks by the Principality of NEO, including the Operation British colony drop.

Earth Federation Army
The army was the most poorly-equipped of all the EFF branches; it possessed outdated weaponry. The army was caught completely by surprise when the NEO launched their Spider Mech drop operation for control of the earth and subsequently spent most of the time between February and August UC 0079 in disarray and retreat. The mass production of LandMates and the addition of battle mechs did much to help out the Earth Federation Army, and now they are a hardened, gritty force of hardcore soldiers.

Earth Federation Navy
The Navy was a major power in the Earth Federation, and possessed several bases on the coast of California, collectively known as the California base. The Federation's navy took heavy casualties following the failed colony drop, and when the NEO seized the California Base in the Earth invasion (during the One Year War) they converted the facilities to build Zeon submarines. Ships in the Federation's navy include gunboats, and aircraft carriers, but the total number of ships and their types is a secret.
Naval officers were the best trained soldiers in the Earth Federation at the dawn of the space colonization era, and hence would become the model that the Earth Federation would turn to when they created the Earth Federation Space Force.

Earth Federation Air Force
The Earth Federation's Air Force did participate in several ground campaigns. The group has several powerful bombers created from core booster pieces left over from the Vinson project. However, those pieces of equipment are rare. The EFAF's aircraft still are mostly outdated and are jury-rig adapted to combat under the influence of Minovsky particles. The EFAF planes do not have enough fire power to destroy battle mechs due to the guided missiles became nearly useless under Minovsky particles but at the same time, mechs can hardly shoot down fast flying planes and thus the EFAF seldom encountered battle mechs. Their main mission during the One Year War is to intercept NEO atmospheric entry vehicles with their High altitude fighter FF-3 Sabrefish. (an atmospheric version of the FF-S3 Sabrefish which was used by the EFSF.) During the course of the One Year War, many EFAF pilots ended up becoming Battle Mech pilots.

Earth Federation Space Forces
The fourth branch of the Earth Federation Forces was the Earth Federation Space Force. This branch was created to enforce the edicts of the Earth Federation Government in space, as such this branch of the armed service is almost exclusively concerned with space combat. Before the One Year War this branch is listed under the above branches and was commanded by generals appointed by those three. For example, the Commander-in-chief during the One Year War, General Arcturus, was a Lieutenant General of the EF Army. The Federation's Space Force is a mirror image of the "Big Gun" ship philosophy, embodying powerful guns to destroy enemies. This began to change in UC0079, when the NEO introduced their battle mechs, which thoroughly decimated the Federation's Space Force during the Battle of Loum. The advent of the battle mech forced the Federation to develop their own mechs and ships that could carry them, resulting in the Pegasus-class mech carriers.

A handful of the Earth Federation Space Force ships were designed to withstand atmospheric re-entry and to operate on Earth via Minovsky Craft System; these ships were primarily from the Pegasus-class.

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