Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Alternate Hisotrical path of UC3K

The UC3K world is an alternate history path that begins in our own world. History makes it's deviation in the year 1988. From that point on, key deviations occur in the game-world that have not occurred in ours. They are cataloged in the timeline below.

1988 INF Treaty signed. Peace among the "advanced nations". U.N. General Henry Christo goes all out to build up conventional forces.
In Asia, North and South Korea are peacefully united.
The Soviet Unoin's policies of peace diplomacy and perestroika continue (while ethnic and economic problems snowball).
The war between Iran and Iraq finally ends, for economic reasons. This fierce battle between Arabs and Persians lasted eight years.
U.S.S.R. and U.S. form an alliance. The foundation is laid for imperial Americana.

1989 China - Tiananmen Square massacre. Japan - democratization movement begins. Both trends reveal how backward Asia is, and disappoint and anger the rest of the world.

1990 Alsace summit held in France. First E.C. newspaper - THE EUROPEAN - formed.

1991 Soviet Union returns the disputed four northern islands to Japan. Huge gap between standard of living and politics in post-Soviet Russia is revealed. (Development of Siberia begins, just as the U.S. and Japan had once made a deal on Hawaii and Okinawa. On two of the northern islands, an agreement is made regarding Soviet bases. Locals are angered. Problems remain).
Autonav system "Charon" introduced and put into operation in twelve nations around the world.

1992 E.C. unification occurs. World enters era of four huge economic blocks. Asia bashing and "peace" (or what some call quasi-war) continue.
Nuclear rocket "Centaurus" announced.
True production of master-slave armor begins. Prosthetic Cybernetic technology advances.
Olympics held in Barcelona Spain. Seville Adventure Fair.
Advances made in muscle power with actuators of advanced molecular gel. Which yield ample speed and power while requiring only low voltage for operation.

1993 East and West Germany are reunified.

1994 April: the three Baltic states, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary join the E.C.

1995 September: War breaks out between Israel and its Arab neighbors (the 5th Middle East War). November: Israel uses nuclear weapons. Southern Syria disappears. Cracks appear in the Nexus Alliance. World trembles in fear. Ebit Co. & Tadilan Co. are the instigators.
Iran takes advantage of the situation and invades Iraq. Internal split in Iran causes hard-liners to take power. Islamic world is thrown into confusion.
Galileo 2000 project fails.
U.S. - Soviet alliance unravels. Intervening militarily, the Soviet Union sends troops to the Middle East. It suppresses Israel and moves into the Mediterranean, where it clashes with E.C. forces. Headquarters set up in Rome.
Japan - HDTV viewing fees are reduced to 250,000 yen, but the Ministry of Posts and Communication asks for 300,000.

1996 February: World War III turns nuclear. Nuclear winter and "black rain" result. Demoralization sets in. U.S. retaliates. Soviet Union incurs huge damage. Heavy use of nuclear weapons results in victory for U.S. and E.C. Inflated missile counts, improper maintenance, and other unexplainable factors result in a high percentage of misfires and mislaunches. The planet survives, but the damage is greater than before experienced from war. Finally the war ends.
Around this time the West Umeda area of Osaka is turned into a super-skyscraper zone.
Bangladesh suffers massive flooding.

1997 Munma Holy Republic founded. Bloody incidents take place around the world with those involved.
England - Terrorist use of botulinus bacteria causes massive deaths.
Hong Kong reverts to Chinese rule. Demands for democratization begin again.
General Henry Christo becomes Chairman of the E.C.

1999 Friction between EC and Asia. General Henry, taking a hard-line approach, takes repressive actions around the world. Asia (China, Japan, Korea,) is distressed. Friction results between Asia and the rest of the world because of the contrast between war damage and Asia's wealth. Orion Group and some representatives of the EC, U.S., and U.S.S.R. visit Japan in August. (First Urban Planning Group Conference held - ends in failure.)
The Fourth World WAR. The nations of Asia go to war with the E.C.-U.S. Alliance (Henry). (By this time there are almost no nuclear weapons in existence so it's a drawn out bloody, dirty old war with conventional weapons - nuclear weapons began and ended in Japan)
Macao is returned to China. A giant meteor falls on Beijing (and is mistaken for a nuclear detonation).
A revolution occurs in computer brain technology. Bio-computers put onto clinical operation. The Second Urban Planning Group Conference is held and a deal is made for a radiation filter and the Appleseed plan.
Democratization takes place in China. (Return of the true messiah)

2000 Construction of Olympus begins.
Critical shortage of food binds Japan and the rest of Asia together - Seoul Summit.

2001 America's NASA begins operating its space-station-based plant/vegetable factory. Orion Group gives all-out assistance.
Data from Voyager 1 stops arriving.

2002 Construction of Poseidon floating city begins (starting with the spaceport).
Japan launches construction of its nuclear winter power plant. Nanotech robots, with nesting instinct and capability to reproduce, remove radioactive dust.

2003 Ultra SQuID sensors make possible practical application of magnetic field anti-personnel sensors.
February: Cancer completely conquered.
August: First computer brain weapons (tanks) used in combat. They prove unpopular because of frequent breakdowns.
The war bogs down. Mankind advances into outer space to obtain resources. (Science has the power to both destroy and save mankind.)

2005 The "Velnu" superconductor rail guns (solenoid quench system) are constructed in three places on earth. Optical camouflage deployed in combat. Use continues until 2040.
The Asia Alliance formed. Asia unified under slogan of "learn from the E.C."

2007 India begins experiments with ramjet space plane.

2015 Chairman Henry Christo's death and the Japanese miracle. Movement to end the war starts.
Pakistan builds a filtration plant in Mongolia.
Advances the place in solar energy technology. Results in development in lower latitudes of the world. Japan makes more money again.
The mechanism of "memory" is discovered.
England drops out of fighting.

2024 Experiments with molecular engineering take place at the Aristo Luna city. Dome No.1 is built moon base starts operation with thirty people.
Arguments ensue over the Computer Brain Pollution Report.
Laser weapons and large numbers of cyborgs introduced in combat.

2026 War ends, Asia wins. Earth becomes a unified block.

2027 Japanese politics computerized. Baby boom occurs. True Silicon Age begins.

2029 Manned flight from moon to Mars. Departure for Phobos.
Armored shell exoskeleton unit created by Poseidon.
Silk Road Rally inaugurated.
Orion Group starts resource reclamation and removal of radioactive contaminants.

2030 Mars manned exploration team returns to moon (stays one week).
Appleseed Plan begins (construction of Olympus nearly completed). First generation of bioroids appear. Reconstruction work of all preserved animals begins.
Leningrad Olympics.

2048 Hecatonchires system. Incidents of sudden insanity erupt (fourteen out of fifteen cases)

2049 "Hermes" anti-gravity system developed.

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