The final (verified) plan of the UPG, Aegis was created to be the perfect peace keeping mechanism, a machine composed of organic parts, and wasn't truly meant to be a nation. Its government does not exist to fulfill the will of its citizens, but rather to enforce global law, maintain the world economy, and protect the human race. But, in a world where there is no certainties, Olympus is one of the safest, cleanest, and generally nicest places to live in the world. The CMB has done nothing to discourage the masses that have flocked to its banner; rather, it encourages it. Still, many on the outside are reluctant to do so.
The Central Management Bureau is composed of three governing branches, each serving different functions. The Executive Branch, has the executive right (obviously) and governs external affairs. The Administrative Branch is Olympus' judicial branch and heads up internal affairs and law, even at the local level. Finally, the Legislative Branch is Olympus' law making body, and is run by the super-computer GAIA. These branches exist in a constant balance of power: checks and balances keep any one from becoming too powerful. The various committees and organizations within have their own agendas, and they are in constant conflict with each other. This was the intention of the UPG. The infighting slows progress and makes government rather 'sterile', but it keeps Olympus from becoming a dystopian city out of the collective consciousnesses of Orwell, Huxley, and Rand.

The Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is the most powerful branch of the Central Management Bureau. Run by Bureau Chief Officer Athena, it determines Olympus' foreign policy and keeps the other branches in line. It consists of two primary groups. The Ministry of External Affairs is "the brain" of all Olympic policy. While the Administrative branch technically controls ESWAT, they cannot be deployed out of Olympus without authorization from the Ministry of External Affairs. The Ministry of External affairs gives out justice with an iron fist. They are the strong-arm of the CMB, and this has alienated them from the Legislative branch. While the Legislative branch is "pro-bioroid", and the Administration is "pro-human", the Executive branch is pro-Olympus. At the end of the day, they're there to make sure everything doesn't collapse inward on itself.
The FBI is the second division of the Executive Branch, and conspiracy theorists would whisper that they truly run Olympus. While "FBI" does stand for the Federal Bureau of Investigations, they can not be equated to the old USA FBI. Instead, they are a sort of secret police that works from the inside, pruning the tree of corruption through out the government. There's a fierce rivalry between them and ESWAT (the latter despising the "gestapo-shit" the FBI pulls). If ESWAT is the greatest unknown para-military force in the world, FBI agents are their lesser known peers and betters. Despite their gruff nature and reputation as being bloodthirsty, they have the lowest arrest and operative fatality rate out of all of the law enforcing organizations. They are extremely independant; they don't even answer to the Ministry of External Affairs. It should be noted that they are the only non-law enforcement orientated position in government that does not consist entirely of bioroid: over 50% of the FBI's operatives are human.
The Administrative Branch
The second most powerful branch of the government is the judicial and internal affairs department, The Administrative Branch. Unlike similar government models, the power of the judicial branch outweighs the legislative branch...barely. There power is derived from the fact that they act as the "local government" of Olympus. They control local development and the enforcement of CMB policy. They also have control of Olympus' law enforcement and the elite para-military organization ESWAT. The Branch is headed up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which keeps the city itself running on a day to day basis. They also are responsible for the enforcement of law. The Ministry is headed up by Chief of State Nike. Nike is on excedingly good terms with Athena, though the exact nature of their alliance remains to be seen.
ESWAT is the highest of all law enforcing bodies within Olympus, and they also serve as Olympus' "big stick" in enforcing global policy. ESWAT (Extra Special Weapons And Tactics). Officially, it is not associated with standard police units, though sometimes their jurisdictions cross. ESWAT headhunts new agents from other law enforcement bodies and Badside, putting the rookies through intense training. About 1 in 15 candidates for ESWAT will make the cut. They are trained in the use of many weapons, as well as land mate and vehicle operation. They serve as a special forces, and perform the occaisional black-op. There role isn't restricted to brute first: some of the greatest investigators and forensics experts work in ESWATS Cyborg Crime Investigation team. ESWAT answers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but resents how the Executive Branch has been using them in strong-arm diplomacy.
The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch is the law making body of Olympus, though of all the powers of the CMB, it lacks the ability to enforce their initiatives. The Senators that make up the Parliament are exclusively bioroid; they are made to represent the demographics and interests of the world proportionately. As demographics change, old bioroids are retired and new ones are instituted. There are no elections.
The actions of the Parliament are overseen by GAIA, a massive supercomputer that takes up a good 25000 cubic meters of space in a massive underground complex in the Central Olympic Arcology. It has the power to call for the "impeachment" of senators, and the power to veto. Gaia is programmed to absolutely represent the interests of Humanity; it has vehemently fought against Parliament for this reason on many occasions. A veto by Gaia can be overuled by the Council of Seven.
The Council of Seven, nicknamed the CPU, is a group of seven first-generation bioroids that have been around nearly as long as Olympus (that's a really long time). They act as the "organic balance" on Gaia's scale of justice. They have been made to be extremely intelligent and moral, and act as advisors to (and components of) Gaia. More importantly, however, they act as Gaia's contact to the politics of Olympus. They are her eyes and ears. Their positions haven't made them any friends in the Parliament or in the other Branches; they have been "put under surveillance for their protection" several times to keep them from interfacing with Gaia.
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