Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rules Online

These are the unaltered rules of the Cyberpunk RPG. They are included here as a resource. As you will see in the house rules section of this site. Many of the aspects of this rules system have undergone changes. Several roles are unavailable, such as corporate, rockerboy, and so on, having been replaced by MedTech, Bioroid (Replicant), Mechajock and so on. Still though, this is handy to have access to and so I include it here.

Soul & The New Machine

Special Abilities
Military Police

Getting Cyberpunk

Character Points
Fast & Dirty Expendables


Origins & Style
Family Background
Motivations & Life Events
Big Problems, Big Wins
Friends & Enemies
Romantic Life


Skill Checks
Starting Skills
Career Skill List
Master Skill List
Pickup Skills
Skill Descriptions
Learning New Skills
IP Multipliers
Getting More IP
Inventing New Skills

Getting Fitted For the Future

Starting Funds
Weapon Codes
Weapons List
Weapons Description
Old Guns Never Die
Special Equipment
2020 Gear List
Gear Descriptions


The Psycho Squad
Registered Cybers
Surgery Codes
Cyberware List #1
Cyberware List #2
Hands & Feets
Built Ins
Cyberlimb Cyberweapons
Linear Frames
Body Plating


Rounds & Turn Order
Fast Draw
More Than One Action
Two Weapon Attacks
Ambushes & Backstabs
Line of Sight & Facing
Hit Locations
Body Type Modifier
Attack Modifaers & Effect
Stun / Shock Saves
Death Saves
Making Attacks
Ranged Weapons
Automatic Weapons
Unusual Ranged Weapons
Beam Weapons
Area Effect Weapons

Rocket Powered Grenades
Molotov Cocktails
Melee Attacks
Martial Arts & Brawling
Melee damage
Monoknives, Mono Katanas & Slice’n’Dice
Vehicles in FNFF
Vehicle Combat
Vehicle Damage

Healing & Medicine

Death State
First Aid
Medical Tech
Speed Healing Drugs
Being Patient
Elective Surgery
Replacement Surgery
Body Banks
Vat Grown Tissue Banks
Exotic Fashion


Building Your Own

The world of Universal Century 3000 is a violent, dangerous place, filled with bloody warfare. The traditional concepts of good and evil are rendered down to obvious absolutes. The enemy is clear and present and must be destroyed.

UC3K characters are survivors in a though, grim world, faced with life and death choices. How they make these choices will have a lot to do with whether they end up as vicious animals roaming a ruined world, or retain something of their basic humanity. UC3K characters are the heroes of a world spanning war, working to make it better (or at least survivable) whenever they can. Whether it takes defying the Orbital Armies and even outright insurgent revolution, the quintessential UC3K character is a soldier with a cause.

This is essence of UC3K – playing your character with a professional soldier, cynical-yet-idealistic style. Whether you’re a Badsider with leathered skin and metal claws, or a genetically near-perfect colony girl in satin sporting the latest in designer cyberoptics.

The world of UC3K is a combination of savage, sophisticated, modern and retrograde. Fashion-model beautiful Colony Girls rub shoulders with battle-armored Badside road warriors. Each character in this world is playing a Role - a face that person projects to the outside world as the real thing. There are 8 Roles in UC3K: Officers, Soldiers (with several differentiating sub-roles), Liason Officers (who are this game’s netrunners), Techies, Medics, and Badsider Nomads. As a UC3K player, you must select one role for your character.

Special Abilities are skills usable only by specific character Roles; for example, Officers have the Special Ability of Charismatic Leadership, which represents the vast amount of power they have over their legions of fans. Special Ability, you will add it's value to the specific stat as if it were a skill.

Officer Special Ability: Charismatic Leadership and Authority.
Charismatic Leadership skill allows the commander to sway military units equal to his ability level times 20.
Authority is the ability to intimidate or control others through your position as a officer.

Soldier Special Ability: Combat Sense.
Added to all Initiative and Awareness checks, this makes the Soldier the fastest reacting person in a situation.

Liason Officer Special Ability: Interface, Resources, Requisition.
Interface Skill reflects the Netrunner's ability to manipulate Interface programs, and is the skill used when operating Menu functions such as Locate remote, Run Software, Control Remote, LDL Link, Load, Create and Delete. Other players can enter the Net, but can't use the Menu.
Resources represents the Liason’s ability to command military resources. It is used as a persuasion skill, based on scale of resources requested

Requisition (Streetdeal)The ability to locate people, information, etc. This is a higher form of making a connection; instead of knowing only one person, you have connections everywhere. In game play, a successful use of Streetdeal allows you to locate and acquire a desired person, place or thing.

Techie Special Ability: Jury Rig.
This general repair skill allows the Techie to temporarily repair or alter anything for 1D6 turns per level of skill.

Medic Special Ability: Medical Tech.
This is the skill used to perform major surgery and medical repairs.

Badside Nomad Special Ability: Survival.
This allows the Nomad to survive as many weeks without supplies as his current Survival Ability level x 2.

Sometimes what you say is going to get right in the faces of the powerful people who really run this world. But you don't care, because as an Officer, you know it's your place to lead, whether in straight-out inspirational addresses that tell it like it is, or just by commanding soldiers in the streets. You have a proud history as an Officer- Alexander, Ceasar, Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, Patton - the legions of steel-eyed heroes who won the battles and were gut-honest warriors.

As an Officer, you have the power to get soldiers up - to lead, and inspire. A speech from you can give the timid courage and the weak strength. Legendary commanders have led armies against Corporations and Governments and armies of overwhelming odds. Officers have destroyed nations and become dictators. It's a lot of power for a guy running operations every night in another city. But you can handle it. After all - you came to win!

You were reborn with a gun in your hand - the flesh and blood hand, not the metallic weapon factory the covers most of your arm. Whether as a sniper and infiltrations specialist, or as one of the heavy weapons or assault troopers that defend the Earth against the NEO, you're one of the elite fighting machines if the UC3K world.

As the battle damage piles up, you start to rely more and more upon hardware - cyberlimbs for weapons and armor, bio-program chips to increase your reflexes and awareness, combat drugs to give you that edge over your opponents. When the N.E.O. “Nazis” come marauding down your control sector, they are going to get a full measure of just how trained and augmented you really are!

More Roles to be added soon

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