Friday, March 2, 2007

New Cyberware

Electromagnetic Field Detector (400eb)
A person with this implant can sense the electromagnetic fields given off by electronic devices, including those put out by cybernetics, hidden sensors, and surveillance devices. +2 to Awareness/Notice rolls involving detection of such devices. Detection of cybernetics through clothing or a RealSkinn covering should be Difficult, and through Microwave/EMP shielding should be Very Difficult at best. The implant cannot determine the exact nature of a hidden cybernetic, only its presence and approximate size. HC = 2, SC = M.

Tactile Microphone (250eb)
This is a microphone which is added to a cyberhand or cyberfinger. By placing the tip of the finger or the palm of the hand flat against the surface of a wall, window, or floor, the user can detect vibrations caused by people or vehicles moving around on the other side. If the input is linked to cyberaudio or a recording device, the user can listen in to the actual sounds produced, whether they be conversation or otherwise. HC = 1, SC = N.

Scarab Cybernetics Cyberspine (10,000eb)
This implant supplants the original spinal column with a reinforced and highly flexible artificial replacement. The spinal cord itself remains au natural, but it is now encased in a supple, resilient cybernetic backbone which provides protection against all forms of back and spinal injury. Game Notes: The spine becomes a cybernetic impant with an SDP of 30. Damage done to the back is deducted from the spine's SDP, just as with cyberlimbs, and any damage which exceeds this SDP is transmitted to the spine as normal wound damage. The user is immune to all forms of back problems and gets a +2 to Athletics rolls, or to any roll involving flexibility of the back (Gymnastics and other REF-based maneuvers). The high cost of this implant reflects the delicate nature of its implantation. A cyberspine can accept standard neuralware processors and does not impede the functioning of other cybernetics in any way. It can be armored up to SP 15 for an additional 5000eb. SC = CR, HC = 2D6+1

Scarab Cybernetics Ribcage Replacement (5,000eb)
Fully compatible with the Scarab Cyberspine, this implant removes the ribs and replaces them with a tough, springy composite which is capable of absorbing impacts and compressions which would crack and sprain an organic ribcage. The space between the ribs is laced with a Kevlar derivative which resists penetration as well as the best armored vest, but is elastic enough to allow for normal respiration. The ribcage is also hinged in the rear and has a modified sternum which can be released to open the ribs for heart and lung surgery. Game Notes: The ribs themselves are SDP 20, while the space between the ribs is armored to SP10. Crushing and compression trauma must overcome the ribcage's SDP before being transmitted to the body. The Kevlar webbing is treated as a Light Armor Jacket for the purposes of penetration by bullets and other weapons, and is Impossible to spot (30). Note that the protection extends all the way around the torso and attaches to the spine. SC = CR, HC = 3d6.

Scarab Cybernetics Stomach Shield (price varies)
Urban folklore has it that a gunshot wound in the stomach is one of the worst combat injuries imaginable. The Scarab Stomach Shield takes the fear out of being gutshot. Your vulnerable belly area is reinforced with a type of Graduated Subdermal Armor (Chromebook 2, p. 7) which can flex with your movements but still retains enough rigidity to provide ample protection. Game Notes: The Stomach Shield is hinged and jointed to allow for a normal range of motion, though at higher levels it does cause some loss of REF. Protection begins at SP 10 and can go up to SP20. SC = CR, HC = Varies. Like Graduated Subdermal Armor, it is bought in 2-point increments, as follows:
10 1D6/2 200 Impossible (30+) None
12 1D6 400 Very Difficult (25) None
14 1D6+1 600 Very Difficult (25) -1 (25% chance)
16 1D6+3 800 Difficult (20) -1 (50% chance)
18 2D6 1000 Difficult (20) -1
20 2D6+1 1200 Average (15) -2

Eagle Eye Option (200eb)
This cybereye option includes a motion processor and priority filter which helps the user detect movement within his visual range. It adds +1 to all visual Awareness checks where the user must notice cues related to motion, and can be used in concert with other options, as it can be switched on and kept on while other options are being accessed. SC = N. HC = .1

Gastric Pouch (400eb)
This is a small reinforced pouch placed above the stomach. It is not connected to the stomach, however; the pouch opening is through an artificial sphincter connected to the esophagus just below the epiglottis. Characters with this implant can swallow small items, like chips, bullets, gems, drugs, etc. and direct them to the gastric pouch rather than to the stomach, spitting them up later for use. The pouch is reinforced (SP 2), but it is unwise to swallow anything which your mouth cannot handle (like razor blades, batteries, etc.); if such items are swallowed, GMs should force some kind of check (BOD or REF) to see whether the item gets in and out without damaging anything on the way. The pouch can hold items up to the size of a tennis ball, but it is extremely difficult to swallow items that large (GMs, be brutal) and the size is intended more as an indicator of the number of smaller items which can be crammed inside. It is impossible to detect a gastric pouch without an X-ray or similar scanning procedure, so it is popular with smugglers and is therefore considered to be black market cyberware. SC=MA, HC=2D6.

IR Baffle Weave (1500eb)
This is a variety of skinweave which modifies the body's thermal signature so that an IR or thermographic scan will not reveal human-shaped heat patterns. A character with this bioware is very difficult to spot; IR Weave confers a -4 to Awareness rolls to locate the character using IR or thermographic vision, and a -2 to hit the character with either type of vision once his location has been determined. The modification has no effect on body temperature regulation, and is tough to detect in normal lighting (V.Diff Awareness to notice). HC=1D6+3, SC = N.

Climbing Claws (500eb)
These are curved claws which add +2 to Athletic rolls for the purposes of climbing. They are non-retractable, and if implanted in the hands they subtract -2 to REF or TECH when performing actions which require fine motor control (electronic repairs, picking locks, etc.). Hard-core climbers occasionally use these, and they are not considered to be black market cyberware as long as they are not used in the pursuit of illegal activities. They may be implanted in either hands or feet (same cost and HC for foot implant as for hand implant), and can be added to cyberlimbs; if a character possesses both hand and foot implants, his Athletics increases by +3 for the purposes of climbing. With a Melee skill, they may be used like Rippers or a Talon Foot in hand-to-hand combat to do 1D6+1 edged damage. HC = 2D6+3, SC=M.

Blade Hand (500eb)
Simple and brutal, the Blade Hand is a normal cyberhand replaced with a large, machete-like blade. It is non-retractable, and since it is essentially a machete attached to the wrist, the affected arm cannot be used to perform any sort of normal manual activity. A Quick-Change mount is standard, but if you really want to attach it permamently, go ahead! It's about as obvious and unwieldy as you can get, but for sheer damage capability, nothing beats it. Damage is 4D6 AP, plus Strength bonuses where applicable. It is black market cyberware. HC = 3D6+3, SC = N (if a cyberarm is already in place)/MA (if attached to a meat arm)

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