Artemis Alpeia was in Appleseed from book three on, as well as her three brats, thus proving that the "Neko" was indeed here to stay. Hence, in Universal Centruy 3000, it is allowable to play a feline combat bioroid with a special package of mods in full effect. In UC3K they are the product of bioengineering instead of grafts and implants so they can breed and self-replicate free from bio-engineering facilities and cybernetic clinics.

The Basic Neko package and it's Cost:
Cyberware • Description • Cost • Book
Tactile Boost - Increased sensitivity. +2 to touch Awareness - 100 - CP20
Olfactory Boost - +2 Awareness/track via smell. Locate scent 50% - 100 - CP20
Taste Boost - Heightened sense of taste - 100 - Chr4
Nasal Filters - Stops gases, fumes. 70% effective - 60 - CP20
Adrenal Booster - Boosts REF by +1 for 1d6+2 turns, 3x per day - 400 - CP20
Enhanced Sight - +2 max: IR, UV, LL, Tele, Image Enh, Color Shift 1200/+1 - DS
Enhanced Hearing - +2 max: Amplified Hearing, or Enhanced Range 1200/+1 - DS
Grafted Muscle - +1 increase to BODY, max increase is +2 - 1000/+1 - CP20
Enhanced Antibodies - Improves Healing by +1 point per day - 3000 - CP20
Toxin Binders - +4 to Poison/Drug Saves - 3000 - CP20
Speed Grafts - +2 MA - 750 - Chr2
NeoAppendix - +2 to Wilderness Survival for food - 500 - Chr4
Natural Fangs - 1d6* bite damage - 500 - Chr2
Natural Claws - -3 to manipulation rolls. 1d6* damage - 1000 - Chr2
Minor Facial Modification - Alterations to eyes, ears, nose, etc - 1000 - Chr2
Tail M- Mobile but weak, exerts about 3lbs of force - 1500 - Chr2
Total Cost: 17,000 e.b.

Neural Bridge - Ambidexterity, no -3 penalty with off hand - 600 - Chr4
Alpha TuffBone Skeletal Enh - BOD +1 for lift, carry, BTM vs HH/Melee - 1300 - Chr4
Beta TuffBone Skeletal Enh - BOD +2 for lift, carry, BTM vs HH/Melee, ATT -1 - 2800 - Chr4
Hemological Replacement - +1 MA, Endurance,+4min breath, -1 poison/disease - 1300 - Chr4
"Kaloric" Secondary Gut - Stores 2 days worth of food - 750 - Chr4
Full-Spectrum Booster - +4 vs illness/infection/poison/drugs, +1 Healing - 7500 - NEO
Sabre Serum RNA Mod - +2 MA, +3 BOD, +2 REF, +1 Heal, 60 day wait - Special - I1.2
Muscle Enhancement - +1 to BT, but not for BTM - 1000 - DS
Reflex Boost - +1 REF (max +2). 25% chance of -1 Stun/level - 3500 - DS
PowerJaw - grafted extra jaw muscles, +2 to bite damage - 100 - Chr4

Permanent REF Increase - Max +1 - 5000 - ES+
Permanent BOD Increase - Max +2 - 3400/+1 - ES+
Permanent MA Increase - Max +4 - 2700/+1 - ES+
Toughened Skin - SP6 Soft Armor, can't be told from normal skin - 8300 - ES+
Books Referenced:
ES+ - Eurosource Plus
CP20 - Cyberpunk 2020
Chr2 - Chromebook 2
Chr4 - Chromebook 4
DS - Deep Space
I1.1 to I2.2 Interface. Vol 1 # 1-4, Vol 2 # 1-2
NEO - Neo Tribes
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