The "Ace Pilot" of the Universal Century. These single-purpose, specially trained warriors devote their careers to the immensely complex task of mastering Mecha combat. Take the complexity and breadth of knowledge required to pilot the most complex jet fighters or helicopter gunships of the 20th Century and multiply it by 150 to 200% and you have the difficulty of being a true Mechajock. Regular Pilots can learn to dive a Battle Mech but only the Mechajock can really turn on it's full potential. These soldiers are abreast of the razors edge of technology in battle machines. Part techie, part top-gun and a whole lot of self confidence. They are truly the few and the proud of the U.C.'s fighting men and women. All A.P Teams have at least one Mechajock. Mechajocks are also usually premier LandMate pilots as well.
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