Flag of the Republic of NEO
The Principality of NEO
After Rothschilde’s death, his advisor, Xavion Chrysylophax, became the new leader and renamed the Republic the Principality of NEO, changing its flag as well. Xavion rapidly expanded the colony's national guard units into a full fledged army. Battle Mechs and other unique weapons made their first appearance. War was soon declared on the Earth Federation. Outside of the armed forces ranks, Xavion Chrysylophax is sometimes referred to as the "Sovereign of Near Earth Orbit".
The resulting conflict became against the Federation was known as the One Year War. The first week, known as the One-Week War (from January 3 UC 0079 to January 10 UC 0079) resulted in the deaths of 3 billion people (2.8 billion colonists, by indiscriminate use of NBC weapons, and an estimated 0.2 billion from nuclear winter, as a result of Operation British). Following the Battle of Loum on January 15 UC 0079, most residents of the Side 5 colony were also killed. The combined attacks during this period resulted in the death of nearly a third of the total human population around the Earth sphere.
Initial estimations put the death toll of the colony drop at 2.32 billion: 0.32 billion as a direct result of the drop itself, and an additional 2 billion due to the drop's after-effects (that is, many places in the vicinity of the drop zone losing contact with the rest of the world, and thus losing any aid in their survival). Post-war research, however, lowered the number to a total of 0.2 billion deaths directly related to the drop. As a consequence of the astounding losses, the Earth Federation and the Principality of NEO signed the Antarctic Treaty on January 31 UC 0079, banning the used of NBC weapons and colony drops.
The next day, immediately after the treaty was signed, NEO began the formation of its NEO Earth Attack Force. By the middle of UC 0079, the NEO forces had controlled over 70% of the Earth's surface.
Flag of the Principality of NEO
NEO Armed Forces
In UC 0079, the NEO army was composed of three branches:
NEO Space Attack Force
The equivalent of the Earth Federation Space Force, the Space Attack Force consisted of six battle fleets, modeled after the Earth Federation Navy, with space battleships and battle mech carriers used as their primary weapons.
The Commander of the Space Attack Force is Vice Admiral Gloriana Chrysylophax. The Space Attack Force's headquarters are based in the Fortress of Solomon.
NEO Mobile Assault Force
The Commander of the Mobile Assault Force was Rear Admiral Titania Chrysylophax.
Its headquarters were based at the lunar city of Granada. Consisting of the equivalent of about one battle fleet, Titania's forces include intelligence services, research projects, like the Flanagan Institute, resource and mining operations, and special forces teams, like the Black Tri-Stars, Chimaera Corp and the Midnight Fenrir Corp.
NEO Earth Attack Force
Commanded by Captain Valoria Chrysylophax, the Earth Attack Force was headquartered in California.
Because the Earth Attack Force was presumably the largest of the other three branches, the role of Valoria Chrysylophax was practically ceremonial, since the Earth Attack Force consisted of an army, navy, and air force and she was at the time only in her early twenties. Other senior officials who still reported to Valoria hold the reins in the army, navy and air force, respectively. Valoria's main duty was to serve as commandant of NEO-occupied North America.
NEO E.A.F Rank - Federation Army Equivalent
Gruppenführer - General
Oberführer - Brigadier
Standartenführer - Colonel
Sturmbannführer - Major
Sturmhauptführer - Captain
Sturmführer - Lieutenant
Haupttruppführer - Sergeant Major
Truppführer - Sergeant
Scharführer - Corporal
Mann - Private
NEO Space Attack Forces Officer Ranks
Largely based on the Navy, these are the ranks held by NEO's space force's soldiers and leaders during the one year war. They are given as follows:
Corporal- Starting rank
Petty Officer 3rd class
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Petty Officer 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Master Chief Petty Officer
Enlisted Officers
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Admiral - Highest rank inside the armed forces
Symbol of the Near Earth Orbitals
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