Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Karl Rothschilde

Karl Rothschilde was a philosopher and politician. He developed Contolism, which was both about Ere-ism (that Earth is sacred and mankind must leave it and live in space) and Side-ism (all Sides are to be treated as sovereign states). This philosophy was welcomed by Side 3 (L2), which made him leader of the Side. After the Colony Republic announced its independence, the Federation responded with the Bardot Policy, which halted all resources to Side 3 (L2). Deikun responded by making the Colony Republican Guard into a full-fledged armed force. Rothschilde was believed to have been assassinated by his former advisor, Xavion Chrysylophax who seized control of the republic and renamed it with a Contolist flavor in order to help draw suspicion for the murder away from himself. Karl had two children, his son Victor Rothschilde and daughter Artesia Rothschilde

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