The army was the most poorly-equipped of all the EFF branches; it possessed outdated weaponry. The army was caught completely by surprise when the NEO launched their drop operation for control of the Earth and subsequently spent most of the time between February and August UC 0079 in disarray and retreat. The addition of battle mechs did much to help out the Earth Federation Army, and in the recent months the army became a force to be feared.
Type of Unit - No. of personnel - Unit leader
theater or front - 200,000+ - general or field marshal
army group - 100,000+ - general or field marshal
army - 50,000-60,000+. - colonel general or general
corps - 30,000-50,000+. - lieutenant general
division - 10,000–20,000+ - major general
brigade - 3000–5000+. - brigadier general, brigadier or colonel
regiment or group - 2000–3000 - colonel
battalion - 300–1000 - lieutenant colonel
company - 70–250 - chief warrant officer and captain or major
platoon - 25–60 - warrant officer and first or second lieutenant
section or patrol - 8–12 - corporal to staff sergeant
squad or crew - 8–16 - corporal to staff sergeant
fireteam - 4–5 - lance corporal to sergeant
fire and maneuver team - 2 - any/Private First Class
Private (Pvt./Pvt 2) E-2
Lowest rank: a trainee who’s starting Basic Combat Training (BCT). Primary role is to carry out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability.
Private first class (Pfc.) E-3
PV2s are promoted to this level after one year—or earlier by request of supervisor. Individual can begin BCT at this level with experience or prior military training. Carries out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability.
Specialist (Spc.) E-4
Can manage other enlisted soldiers of lower rank. Has serveda minimum of two years and attended a specific training class to earn this promotion. People enlisting with a four year college degree can enter BCT as a Specialist.
Corporal (Cpl.) E-4
The base of the Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) ranks, corporals serve as team leader of the smallest Army units. Like sergeants, they are responsible for individual training, personal appearance and cleanliness of Soldiers.
Sergeant (Sgt.) E-5
Typically commands a squad (9 to 10 soldiers). Considered to have the greatest impact on soldiers because sergeants oversee them in their daily tasks. In short, sergeants set an example and the standard for Privates to look up to, and live up to.
Staff sergeant (Staff Sgt.) E-6
Also commands a squad (9 to 10 soldiers). Often has one or more sergeants under their leadership. Responsible for developing, maintaining and utilizing the full range of his soldiers’
Sergeant first class (Sgt. 1st Class) E-7
Key assistant and advisor to the platoon leader. Generally has 15 to 18 years of Army experience and puts it to use by making quick, accurate decisions in the best interests of the Soldiers and the country.
Master sergeant (Master Sgt.) E-8
Principal NCO at the battalion level, and often higher. Not charged with all the leadership responsibilities of a 1st sergeant, but expected to dispatch leadership and other duties with the
same professionalism.
First sergeant (1st Sgt.) E-8
Principal NCO and life-blood of the company: the provider, disciplinarian and wise counselor. Instructs other sergeants, advises the Commander and helps train all enlisted soldiers. Assists officers at the company level (62 to 190 Soldiers).
Sergeant major (Sgt. Maj.) E-9
Sergeants majors’ experience and abilities are equal to that of the command sergeant major, but the sphere of influence regarding leadership is generally limited to those directly under his charge. Assists officers at the battalion level (300 to 1,000 Soldiers).
Command sergeant major (Command Sgt. Maj.) E-9
Without supervision, a command sergeants major counsel is expected to be calm, settled and accurate – with unflagging enthusiasm. Supplies recommendations to the commander and staff, and carries out policies and standards on the performance, training, appearance and conduct of enlisted personnel. Assists at the brigade level (3,000 to 5,000 Soldiers).
Second lieutenant (2nd Lt.) O-1Typically the entry-level rank for most commissioned officers. Leads platoon-size elements consisting of the platoon sergeant and two or more squads (16 to 44 Soldiers).
First lieutenant (1st Lt.) O-2
A seasoned lieutenant with 18 to 24 months service. Leads more specialized weapons platoons and indirect fire computation centers. Often selected to be the executive officer of a company sized unit (110 to 140 personnel).
Captain (Capt.) O-3
Commands and controls company-sized units (62 to 190 soldiers), together with a principal NCO assistant. Instructs skills at service schools and combat training centers and is often a staff officer at the battalion level.
Major (Maj.) O-4
Serves as primary staff officer for brigade and task force command regarding personnel, logistical and operational missions.
Lieutenant colonel (Lt. Col.) O-5
Typically commands battalion-sized units (300 to 1,000 soldiers), with a command sergeant major as principal NCO assistant. May also be selected for brigade and task force executive
Colonel (Col.) O-6
Typically commands brigade-sized units (3,000 to 5,000 soldiers), with a command sergeant major as principal NCO assistant. Also found as the chief of divisional-level staff agencies.
Brigadier general (Brig. Gen.) O-7
Serves as deputy commander to the commanding general for Army divisions. Assists in overseeing the staff’s planning and coordination of a mission.
Major general (Maj. Gen.) O-8
Typically commands division-sized units (10,000 to 15,000 soldiers).
Lieutenant general (Lt. Gen.) O-9
Typically commands corps-sized units (20,000 to 45,000 soldiers).
General (Gen.) O-10
The senior level of commissioned officer typically has over 30 years of experience and service. Commands all operations that fall within their geographical area. The chief of staff of the Army is a four-star general.
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