Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Tiphares and the Scrapyard

The construction of the Tiphares Project is taking place in the territory of the Imperial Americana by special treaty. The site of the Tiphares is at the ruins of Kansas City, Missouri. The surrounding Farm Factories that support Tiphares also correspond to former cities; Farm 21 and Farm 22 are Sweetwater, Texas and Garden City, Kansas respectively.

The zone known as the "Scrapyard" is a sprawling expanse of buildings and other structures centered around a massive materials depot at the base of Tiphares. Outside the Scrapyard is a partially radioactive desert, with some oasis-like arcologies called Farm Factories for resource production.

The Scrapyard reflects the decline of Imperial Americana society. Many inhabitants became cyborgs working for the factories, some are victims of involuntary street surgery by ripperdocs, while others use cybernetics to enhance their physical abilities. Firearms are outlawed; non-projectile weapons are permitted, and exist in great variety. Fights erupt spontaneously on the streets. Violent criminals lurk in shadowy alleyways and through the tremendous extent of the sewers. Public entertainment is of a violent nature; Motorball's fusion of racing gladiatorial combat is a prime example. These are condoned by LADDER/Tiphares to pacify and distract the denizens of the Scrapyard. Interestingly, these are broadcast to the corporate city of Tiphares as well suggesting a darker nature to the Tipharean project.

The only law is LADDER/Tiphares Law: rules contrived to protect Tipharean interests in food and basic resources that are supplied from the factories below. For example, air travel within close proximity to Tiphares (this includes both man made objects and animal life) is prohibited. Anything that breaches this particular law is shot down by the city's defense system. For this reason, there are no birds in the Scrapyard. Bounty hunters called "hunter-warriors" are the enforcers of Factory Law in the Scrapyard, since there is no actual police force outside of the corporate city.

The Factory and the tech-men
In the Scrapyard, the Factories are the control centers of the farms and refineries which produce supplies for Tiphares. Almost everything is made on the surface: food, detergents, and every kind of product which then passes through the Factory and is shipped to the skycity. Ranging from Factory 11 to Factory 1111, there are 11 control centers in total. There are many humans at the Factories but all processes are automated using Bioroid "tech-men", specialized android units, as management and control.

The Factory laws
In the LADDER/Tiphares criminal system, the "Scrapyard" is under Factory control and a set of rules called "The Factory Laws". These laws exist to guarantee that there will not be any problems which may upset transactions between Salem and the surface, and to make sure that the Factory workers are protected (but not necessarily the extraneous dwellers of the Scrapyard).

Different crime categories:

Class "A" crimes

* Destroying a Factory
* Stealing supplies from a Factory
* Block a shipment between Tiphares and a Factory
* Making or owning a gun
* Offer resistance to a Hunter-warrior

Class "B" crimes

* Killing or harming a brain, except during a sports competition
* Buy/sell a living brain
* Stealing living body parts.

In the Scapyard, the "Net-man" is used to supervise the surveillance system, and units are located in strategic points of the Factory.

Net-men usually are usually stationed at street corners, and act not unlike policemen. They gathers information from citizens, eye witnesses and investigate the circumstances of the crime. The Net-Man bioroid then seeks a suspect and classifies the offense as an "A" or "B" class crime. When a suspect has been pinpointed he's added to the "wanted list". If the criminal is not found and the crime is not of type "A", the investigation is eventually canceled.

A Net-man will be provided with weapons to assist the Hunter-warriors in cases involving "A" class crimes. There are no courts or jails in the Factories, just facilities for storing bodies and an incinerator. The victim's DNA is analyzed and if it matches with the records from the "wanted list" a reward is paid. The criminal's head is then incinerated, or his/her brain used in medical experiments by Tiphares.

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