Thursday, November 1, 2007

Creators Note

Since the Early nineties my friend Lee Lloyd and I have talked about making an Appleseed based Cyberpunk campaign so I can't take credit for concieving of all of Universal Century 3000. But I have the time and the drive to make our dream come to life albeit with my own little twists. Hardcore Shirow fans will probably raise an eyebrow at my decision to bring Mecha warfare into the Appleseed Universe. But I say, it DOES have a place. Try it. I think you will see that my vision of the war-torn future doesn't suffer a bit from the infusion of the Gundam Universe's space-colonization elements. And I maintain that if you can make a landmate, a full blown Battle Mech is merely a matter of scale. I won't even get into the argument that an anthropomorphic machine 50 feet high wouldn't be able to move under it's own weight. I know the physics. I just, like many great Japanese animators before me, choose to ignore those facts for the sheer pleasure of artistic expression. I challenge you to give my game a try and see if the occasional mech battle doesn't bring true, Applseed-style action and adventure into the storyline in good form. In closing, my hat's off to Lee Lloyd for never letting me forget the dream of an Appleseed Cyberpunk campaign. I hope it brings many hours of joy to all the players in my group.

Eric Z. Willman

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